The month of February was quite an interesting one in terms of its weather. Overall temperatures for the first half of the month were well above normal but the latter half saw the bottom fall out and as it did, significant snowfall accumulated.
The first day of February brought a healthy shot of snowfall and cold temperatures. From there, things dried out and warmed up considerably. Thirteen consecutive days were then seen with above normal mercury readings. Only one of those thirteen saw precipitation in the form of a light snow on the 4th of the month.
From the 15th through the end of the month, the mercury plunged and only two temperature readings were at or above normal – all the rest were below, some significantly so. Additionally, Thornton saw 8 days in the last two weeks of the month with measureable snowfall. Out at the airport, Denver saw similarly snowy conditions and set a record for snowfall during the month of February.
Despite the cold close to the month, overall the month of February saw warmer than average temperatures. Thornton’s month averaged 34.3 degrees, just a bit above the long term Denver average for the month of 32.5. The Mile High City was warmer than normal as well with an average reading of 33.8 degrees for the month.
Temperatures in Thornton ranged from a spring-like high of 75.9 degrees on the 7th of the month down to a low of 0 degrees on the morning of the 27th. Denver’s warmest and coldest readings came on those same dates with 74 degrees and -6 degrees.
Denver set or tied four temperature records for the month. On February 6th a maximum reading of 70 degrees was a record for the date. That same day a low temperature of 46 degrees set a record high minimum for the date. The next day, the 7th, a record high of 74 degrees was set as was a record high minimum of 41 degrees.
In terms of precipitation, the month was quite generous. On average Denver receives 0.37 inch of liquid precipitation during February. Thornton saw 1.81 inches while Denver tallied 1.25 inches.
Snowfall was a big part of the month’s story. We did not receive any large storms but rather prolonged ones that delivered steady, healthy doses. Thornton totaled 26.7 inches during the month. Out at Denver International Airport, they lagged the totals in the rest of the metro area with a reading of 22.4 inches.
Denver’s reading of 22.4 inches, while lower than ours, allowed February 2015 to go into the weather history books as the snowiest February on record in the Mile High City. This just eased out the now number two, February 1912, which recorded 22.1 inches.
Click here to view Thornton’s February 2015 climate report.
CLIMATE REPORT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE BOULDER, CO 1124 AM MST MON MAR 2 2015 ................................... ...THE DENVER CO CLIMATE SUMMARY FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 2015... CLIMATE NORMAL PERIOD 1981 TO 2010 CLIMATE RECORD PERIOD 1872 TO 2015 WEATHER OBSERVED NORMAL DEPART LAST YEAR`S VALUE DATE(S) VALUE FROM VALUE DATE(S) NORMAL ................................................................ TEMPERATURE (F) RECORD HIGH 77 02/28/2006 02/04/1890 LOW -25 02/01/1951 02/08/1936 HIGHEST 74 02/07 66 8 68 02/16 LOWEST -6 02/27 -2 -4 -19 02/05 AVG. MAXIMUM 46.6 46.2 0.4 42.3 AVG. MINIMUM 21.0 18.9 2.1 14.1 MEAN 33.8 32.5 1.3 28.2 DAYS MAX >= 90 0 0.0 0.0 0 DAYS MAX <= 32 7 3.9 3.1 8 DAYS MIN <= 32 24 26.9 -2.9 26 DAYS MIN <= 0 2 1.3 0.7 5 PRECIPITATION (INCHES) RECORD MAXIMUM 2.01 1934 MINIMUM 0.01 1970 TOTALS 1.25 0.37 0.88 0.19 DAILY AVG. 0.04 0.01 0.03 0.01 DAYS >= .01 10 5.3 4.7 4 DAYS >= .10 5 0.7 4.3 1 DAYS >= .50 0 0.0 0.0 0 DAYS >= 1.00 0 0.0 0.0 0 GREATEST 24 HR. TOTAL 0.40 02/15 TO 02/16 02/04 TO 02/04 SNOWFALL (INCHES) RECORDS TOTAL 22.4 2015 TOTALS 22.4 5.7 DEGREE_DAYS HEATING TOTAL 864 908 -44 1022 SINCE 7/1 4113 4439 -326 4519 COOLING TOTAL 0 0 0 0 SINCE 1/1 0 0 0 0 FREEZE DATES RECORD EARLIEST 09/08/1962 LATEST 06/08/2007 EARLIEST 10/07 LATEST 05/05 ..................................................... WIND (MPH) AVERAGE WIND SPEED 9.4 RESULTANT WIND SPEED/DIRECTION 2/205 HIGHEST WIND SPEED/DIRECTION 44/010 DATE 02/21 HIGHEST GUST SPEED/DIRECTION 43/040 DATE 02/04 SKY COVER POSSIBLE SUNSHINE (PERCENT) MM AVERAGE SKY COVER 0.60 NUMBER OF DAYS FAIR 5 NUMBER OF DAYS PC 15 NUMBER OF DAYS CLOUDY 8 AVERAGE RH (PERCENT) 60 WEATHER CONDITIONS. NUMBER OF DAYS WITH THUNDERSTORM 0 MIXED PRECIP 0 HEAVY RAIN 0 RAIN 0 LIGHT RAIN 1 FREEZING RAIN 0 LT FREEZING RAIN 0 HAIL 0 HEAVY SNOW 4 SNOW 8 LIGHT SNOW 13 SLEET 0 FOG 12 FOG W/VIS <= 1/4 MILE 8 HAZE 9 - INDICATES NEGATIVE NUMBERS. R INDICATES RECORD WAS SET OR TIED. MM INDICATES DATA IS MISSING. T INDICATES TRACE AMOUNT.