Recovery from Colorado’s devastating floods last month will take a very long time and be a very expensive endeavor. Thanks to a gift from the NFL Referees Association however, the Estes Park School District’s will be a bit easier.
In a ceremony before the Denver Broncos and Washington Redskins game yesterday, the NFL Referees Association presented the district with a check for $10,000. The money will help to rebuild the district’s damaged athletics facilities.
One day earlier than average, the National Park Service closed Trail Ridge Road through Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado. The highway through the park is one of Colorado’s premier destinations and travelers won’t be able to drive it again until next spring. Read the rest of this story on
Wintry conditions prompted the closure of Trail Ridge Road today, one day earlier than average. (Rocky Mountain National Park)
National Weather Service forecasters in Alaska hid a very timely message to President Barack Obama and Congress about the government shutdown in their Friday forecast discussion.
The 5:00 a.m. forecast discussion from the Anchorage, Alaska office of the National Weather Service looked innocuous enough. It contained the usual meteorological information about the coming day’s weather.
The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released the first part of its latest report on manmade climate change Friday prompting one meteorologist to take to Twitter and make a number of dramatic pronouncements. Read the rest of this story on
The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released the first part of its latest report on manmade climate change Friday prompting one meteorologist to take to Twitter and make a number of dramatic pronouncements.Eric…
Colorado’s record-setting floods devastated the landscape from the mountains to the plains. From their perch thousands of miles above the Earth’s surface, NASA’s and DigitalGlobe’s satellites captured astonishing imagery of the devastation. Read the rest of this story on
In Lyons, Colorado, imagery and analysis confirm that the McConnell Drive Bridge, providing primary access to neighborhoods and schools in the area, was washed away completely. Click the image to view the satellite imagery slideshow. (DigitalGlobe)
The full toll from Colorado’s floods won’t be known for months but for one local Denver area non-profit, the devastation of the waters hit home – nine of them in fact.
The flood waters from Colorado’s floods have destroyed homes and taken lives. In one case, nine homes crucial to serving the needs of the most vulnerable among us were part of the toll.
The basement of a home run by Imagine! for developmentally disabled individuals had water four feet deep due to the flooding in Colorado. Note the water line. (Imagine!) Click to view the photo slideshow.
Extraordinary rain amounts over the past week have brought extensive flooding across northeastern Colorado from the mountains to the plains. In the waters’ wake, what is being called the largest helicopter evacuation since Hurricane Katrina in 2005 is underway. Read the rest of this story and check out the photos and video on
U.S. Soldiers from the 2nd Battalion, 4th Aviation Regiment out of Fort Carson, Colo., along with civilian rescue personnel, rescue members of the Jametown, Colo., community and children from Cal-Wood Education Center. (U.S. Army)
Progress battling the massive Rim Fire has been slow to come and while some gains have been made, the blaze continued to grow and now encompasses more than 280 square miles. The blaze has already intruded on Yosemite National Park and were perilously close to its infamous giant sequoia trees. Park officials were placing sprinklers in two groves of sequoias not far from the fire.
A firefighter uses a hose to douse the flames of the Rim Fire on August 24, 2013 near Groveland, California. (Getty Images) Click the image to view a slideshow from the Rim Fire.
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