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Hanna, Ike, and Josephine – Mother Nature’s triple threat lines up

Hanna, Ike and Josephine are up to bat.  Click the image for a larger version.
Hanna, Ike and Josephine are up to bat. Click the image for a larger version.

Hot on the heels of Hurricane Gustav, an alphabet of storms is lining up to threaten the United States coast. 

Tropical Storm Hanna is the closest and can’t quite make up her mind what she wants to do.  The storm was a hurricane for a time but has been downgraded as its winds have dropped to 70mph.  Hanna has been battering the Bahamas with torrential rain and in Haiti it has claimed 61 lives, mostly from flooding.  After meandering around, it is now heading northwest at 12mph and will threaten the southeast coast of the U.S. Friday.  Her path is unpredictable but best guesses show the greatest threat of a direct hit from Hanna lies along the Carolina coast between Myrtle Beach, S.C., and Wilmington, N.C.  Late Friday night / early Saturday morning it is expected to make landfall as a category 2 storm.

Hurricane Ike is currently 550 miles northeast of the Leeward Islands and is moving west-northwest at 17mph.  This storm looks to hold the greatest danger of the three right now as it has grown from a tropical storm to a category 4 hurricane with 145mph winds in less than 24 hours.   It is too early to determine where a potential landfall might occur but by Sunday morning is should be near Haiti and the Dominican Republic.  Folks really need to be on the lookout as this storm could be catastrophic.   

Moving out further from the coast is Tropical Storm Josephine.  The storm is currently closer to Africa than the U.S.  – about 465 miles west of the southernmost Cape Verde Islands.  Sustained winds are at 60mph and the storm is moving west-northwest at 10mph.  The current hope is that the storm takes a turn to the north as it crosses the Atlantic and doesn’t hit land.

The end of summer already?

Fall is in the air as cooler weather moves in.
Fall is in the air as cooler weather moves in.

Summer seems to be winding down quickly along the Front Range.  Tuesday we only reached a high temperature of 64 degrees which handily beat the previous record high minimum of 67 degrees for September 2nd.  Low temperatures weren’t record setting but there has been a definite chill in the air as we dropped to 45 Monday night and 48 Tuesday night. 

Nighttime temps will continue to be cool for the next few nights getting down to the mid 40’s.  Thursday we will reach a high of 78, three degrees below normal.  Friday is when fall really seems to hit as we’ll be mostly cloudy and only reach 55 degrees.  That too would be a record high minimum for the date and would be the fifth time in recent weeks we have set that record. 

The good news is that the weekend forecast is looking pretty good, even if a bit cool.

As Gustav winds down, Hanna and Ike spool up

Water from the Industrial Canal floods a road in New Orleans after Hurricane Gustav made landfall Monday. Image courtesy Getty Images.
Water from the Industrial Canal floods a road in New Orleans after Hurricane Gustav made landfall Monday. Image courtesy Getty Images.

A weakend Hurricane Gustav came ashore Monday morning shutting down power and swamping much of the Gulf Coast with torrential rain.  Initially making landfall as a category 2 storm, by 3:00pm MDT the storm had lost much of its power and was downgraded to a category 1 system with winds of 80 mph. 

Much of the Louisiana and Mississippi coast lines were subject to extensive rains and high storm surge.  Winds pushed the water over many levees but the Army Corps of Engineers reported no major problems.  The largest provider of electric power in Louisiana, Entergy, said more than 700,000 homes and businesses were without power in the region. 

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) reported two Navy boats, each about 350 feet long, that were being scrapped at a facility on the canal broke away from their moorings Monday. They are currently pinned against a wharf in the Industrial Canal but there is concern that should they move they could strike some of the canal walls. 

Much remains to determine the extent of damage from the storm.  The center of the storm is currently north of Lafaette, LA and steadily moving north.  As it does, it will weaken to a tropical storm tonight.

Satellite imagery of the potential tracks of Gustav, Hanna and Ike.  Click for larger version.
Satellite imagery of the potential tracks of Gustav, Hanna and Ike. Click for larger version.

A stark reminder that hurricane season is far from over is the appearance of two additional storms – Hurricane Hanna and Tropical Storm Ike.  Both will bear close watching over the coming days. 

Hanna became a category one hurricane today and as of 3:00pm MDT was  just east of Mayaguana Island in the southeastern Bahamas.  Hanna is expected to meander for a couple of days before making a turn to the northwest with a possible landing anywhere between southern Florida and the Carolinas late this week.   

Ike formed out of a tropical depression today and is currently in the middle of the Atlantic, 1400 miles east of the Leeward Islands moving west at 16 mph.  A warm ocean along Ike’s path is expected to help it reach hurricane strength in the next 36 hours.  It is still very early to tell where Ike will end up but on its current course, it could strike Cuba, the Bahamas and possibly Florida early next week.

Gustav ready to strike Monday AM

Satellite image of Gustav as of 5:00am MDT showing the storms predicted path.  Click for a larger version.
Satellite image of Gustav as of 5:00am MDT showing the storms predicted path. Click for a larger version.

Hurricane Gustav continues its march to the Louisiana coast Monday morning with landfall expected sometime between 5:00am and 7:00am MDT. At 5:00am MDT the eye of the hurricane was approximately 85 miles south of New Orleans and about 150 miles southeast of Layfayette moving at 16 mph.  Current tracks have it making landfall in the Terrebone / Lafourche areas, just to the east of New Orleans. 

**  Special Coverage:  Click here to view New Orleans radar  **

The good news, if there is any, is that Gustav has not strengthened as was originally expected.  The latest hurricane hunter aircraft report at 3:00am MDT reported sustained winds of 115 mph.  While that is still a category three storm, satellite observations show the storm is not as organized as it could be.  In fact, a station in southwest Pass Louisiana measured only 91mph as Gustav passed over it.  It is important to note that the greatest damage and danger associated with hurricanes is not the winds.  The severe rain, storm surge and the flooding associated with those present the greatest danger.  Rainfall of 6 to 12 inches can be expected and most notably storm surge of 10 to 14 feet. 

Radar image of Gustav showing current warnings and watches. Click for large version.
Radar image of Gustav showing current warnings and watches. Click for large version.

Also, one little known additional danger with hurricanes is that of the threat of tornadoes.  In fact, New Orleans and much of the surrounding area is under a Tornado Warning and some twisters have been reported by local law enforcement in Gulfport, MS.  Further, National Weather Service radar indicated the potential for tornadoes right near New Orleans in Jefferson Parish, Southern St. Charles Parish and Plaquemines Parish.

Here are a couple sites with webcams in Louisiana you may wish to check out:

Louisiana DOT

Gustav imagery via Google Earth

Below you will find the latest satellite imagery (as of 10:00am MDT) with tracking for Gustav generated with Google Earth.  For those that haven’t played with it, Google Earth is a very fun – and useful – program for any number of tasks.  Using it you can download place files with a wide variety of information including weather related items.  Here are a few links to get your started:

Hurricane Gustav image from Google Earth as of 10:00am MDT Sunday.
Hurricane Gustav image from Google Earth as of 10:00am MDT Sunday. Click on image for larger view.

Evacuations as Gulf Coast prepares for Hurricane Gustav

Satellite image of Hurrican Gustav as of 2:00am Sunday.
Satellite image of Hurrican Gustav as of 2:00am Sunday.

Residents along the Gulf Coast, particularly in Louisiana, are being ordered to evacuate as Hurricane Gustav bears down on the state.  With Hurricane Katrina still fresh on everyone’s mind, New Orleans is under a mandatory evacuation order and states all along the coast from Texas to Mississippi prepare for a possible hit from Gustav. 

National Hurricane Center forecasters were surprised by how quickly Gustav strengthened in recent days.  Within 24 hours the storm went from a tropical storm to a category 4 hurricane.  Gustav is currently a category 3 storm with sustained winds of 125 mph (gusting to 145 mph) and is expected to intensify in the next 12 hours, possibly reaching category 5 status for a time.  As of 3:00am MT Sunday the storm was 425 miles southeast of the mouth of the Mississippi River and heading northwest at 16 mph. 

By the time it makes landfall, forecasters expect it to be a category 3 storm, possibly a category 4.  The current forecast path for Gustav has it striking the central Louisiana coast with devastating results.  Storm surges of 18 to 25 feet on the eastern side of the hurricane are possible and 6 to 12 inches of rain may fall in Louisiana, southern Mississippi and southern Arkansas. 

John McCain and Sarah Palin await a determination on whether or not the RNC will proceed as scheduled.
John McCain and Sarah Palin await a determination on whether or not the RNC will proceed as scheduled.

In related news, the Republican National Committee was waiting to determine whether or not to proceed with its convention set to begin Monday it St. Paul, MN.  If it proceeds, it is unlikely President Bush would address  the delegates in person Monday as scheduled and would probably do so instead by video link.  John McCain in an interview with Chris Wallace of Fox News said, “It just wouldn’t be appropriate to have a festive occasion while a near-tragedy or a terrible challenge is presented in the form of a natural disaster.  So we’re monitoring it from day to day, and I’m saying a few prayers, too.”

For more information:

National Hurricane Center

2008 Republican National Convention

Hurricane season heats up with Gustav and Hanna

Satellite imagery of Gustav and Hanna.
Satellite imagery of Gustav and Hanna.

Today, on the three year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, preparations are underway along the Gulf Coast for the possibility that Tropical Storm Gustav will strike the region next week.  At 3:00am MDT Friday Gustav had tropical storm strength sustained winds of 65mph extending out 140 miles however it is fully expected to become a hurricane today.  It possibly could increase in intensity to a category four storm with 130mph winds by the time it makes landfall toward the beginng of next week. 

Gustav's current predicted track as of Friday morning.
Gustav's current predicted track as of Friday morning.

It goes without saying that the storm presents a serious threat to life and property with landfall expected late Monday or early Tuesday.  The greatest danger lies between Houston, TX and Mobile, AL but anywhere along the Gulf Coast remains at risk for a hit from the storm.  State, federal and local officials are preparing for the worst as they should. Disaster declarations have been issued by Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal and Texas Governor Rick Perry.  Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour has declared a state of emergency.  New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin is expected to issue an evacuation order for the city, but it likely would not go into effect until Saturday.

Hanna's current predicted track as of Friday morning.
Hanna's current predicted track as of Friday morning.

Tropical Storm Hanna, while less of a threat for the United States, also bears watching.  Hanna currently has winds of 50mph and should remain near those levels today but it is expected to become a hurricane in the coming days.  The storm this morning was located about 245 miles north-northeast of the northern Leeward Islands.  Hanna’s track at this point is uncertain.  A system currently over the Great Lakes could force Hanna to turn to the northeast thus missing any major land features.

Preview of Thornton’s September Weather – Summer Ends and Fall Arrives

Denver Climatological Preview - September 2008
Denver Climatological Preview - September 2008

As temperatures start to drop, September reminds us that summer is at an end and fall is now here. Sunshine is predominant though as the month actually has the highest percentage of sun out of any month. Sunny days and clear, cool nights are the standard weather pattern for the month.

Please click here to view our complete September 2008 weather preview and learn what to expect for the month.

Tornadoes strike Douglas and Elbert county

Photo of the tornado near Parker.  Image courtesy Jeff Smith and 9News.
Photo of the tornado near Parker. Image courtesy Jeff Smith and 9News.

Three tornadoes and multiple funnel clouds were reported in Elbert and Douglas counties Sunday evening.  At 5:31pm the Centennial Airport tower reported a tornado on the ground five miles southwest of Parker.  This was followed by a second tornado reported at 5:47pm six miles northeast of Parker.  Lastly, a third twister was spotted three miles west of Castle Rock reported by trained spotters at 6:03pm. 

News video showed the tornadoes weaving through relatively unpopulated areas interspersed wtih some houses.  Authorities currently report no major damage. 

Tornado warnings were issued but have now expired.  As always, please be aware of the weather situation around you and when a danger presents itself, take appropriate action. 

Update, 8/25/08, 7:50am – Reports are varying on the actual number of tornadoes that touched down.  We have seen reports as low as two twisters to as many as a dozen.  Chances are the actual number is toward the lower end of that range as oftentimes the same tornado is reported by multiple spotters with different descriptions of their locations.  The National Weather Service investigates these and at some point in the future will determine the true number of tornadoes.

Here is some video shot by a Parker resident:

Rare mountain tornado strikes Park County Saturday

Park County tornado near Eleven Mile Reservoir.  Image courtesy 7News and Jerry Bivens.
Park County tornado near Eleven Mile Reservoir. Image courtesy 7News and Jerry Bivens.

In a truly unusual weather occurence, a tornado struck near Eleven Mile Reservoir in Park County Saturday afternoon.  Certainly we are all used to hearing about twisters along the Front Range and on the plains but mountain tornadoes are quite rare – the rugged terrain usually disrupts the weather patterns necessary to product tornadoes.  Authorities estimate five vehicles were damaged including a motorhome and pickup truck camper that were overturned, a trailer was destroyed.  Beyond cuts and scrapes, thankfully no one was injured. 

Colorado is ranked ninth in the country with an average of 40 tornadoes a year.  It is interesting to note that every state in the union – including Alaska and Hawaii – have had tornadoes. 

Doing some research at the yields an interesting fact as well.  This was Park County’s first tornado ever.  That leaves 12 of Colorado’s 64 counties that have never had a tornado including:

Clear Creek
San Juan
San Miguel

It does serve as a reminder that while the unofficial severe weather season is behind us, Colorado’s weather is anything but boring and everyone should be aware of all the types of weather hazards that are possible.