Category Archives: Thornton Weather

Weather Outlook – Warm and Sun!

Melting snowmanThings are finally starting to look nice for us.  The recent series of storms is gone for us (and now wreaking havoc on the midwest) and we should be in for a nice week.  Temperatures should be in the mid to upper 40’s with clear and sunny skies all week.  Friday and heading into Saturday though could bring a change.  Current forecast models (below) show a chance for snowfall during that time period but of course this far out it is hard to say for sure.  Check back often for the latest! 

Precipitation Forecast for Saturday, 12/22

The snow is ending and the weekend should be nice. recorded 8/10ths of an inch of snow so the system didn’t product much moisture. Lows Friday night will be down into the single digits. Saturday will be sunny and near freezing and Sunday we will finally truly warm up above 40 degrees. That may not last for too long though – long range forecasts show a chance for more snow toward the end of next week!

More snow on the way this evening – the third storm in a week.

SnowmanHere it comes again but this time won’t be as bad as the last two. This storm should move pretty quickly through the area tonight and into tomorrow morning. Current indications are we can expect between 1 and 4 inches of the white stuff. A lot of folks are already tired of the snow but remember that while the mountains have had a ton of snow, here on the Front Range we are still a good ways below normal for precipitation!

Let is snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Snowy HouseAnother round of snow moved into the metro area last night making for pretty messy conditions. As of 6:00 this morning we have recorded 2.1″ of fresh snow in Thornton with more on the way. You can expect the white stuff to continue falling throughout the day with additional accumulations of 1″ to 3″.This of course is the second storm in less than a week to bring snow to us. It is hard to complain considering how dry we have been in recent weeks. The cause for the moisture? Two factors have helped:

One is the jetstream. We generally see moisture come our way when the jetstream has dipped south to off of the coast of Southern California / Baja California. If you take a look at our jet stream map, you will see that happening.

The second factor is the wind from the northeast. Heading into this past weekend’s storm, we weren’t expecting much because the wind was from the west northwest (called a downslope wind) which would have helped move the storm past quickly. Instead, the wind shifted from the northeast (an upslope wind). Upslope winds help to slow storms down and hold them in place against the mountains, thus resulting in greater snowfall for the metro area.

Until these storms move out, stay warm and stay safe!

Brrrr! Thanksgiving and Black Friday will be cold!

Snow on the way!Big changes from recent weather to say the least! Monday we were near 80 degrees but by Wednesday we dropped to a “high” temperature of 28. Tuesday we recorded 2.6″ of snow which brings some desperately needed moisture to the area. Look for the cold to stay with us until Sunday when we will return to the 50’s.

Note: The National Weather Service has been experiencing some problems with their website and that is impacting some of the data shown here on – particularly the forecasts. To obtain a current forecast manually, please click here.

Looking at today’s forecast it doesn’t look so bad but…. Big changes are coming.

Snow on the way!We’ll reach a high near 50 around mid-day today but clouds will be increasing and the temp will drop quickly after that (see chart below). Tonight expect to see the temperatures drop into the upper teens / low 20’s. The snow has been delayed a bit and most likely won’t arrive till after dark. Accumulations will be light – expect 1 – 3″ in Thornton.

November 20 Forecast Chart
Temperature Forecast – 9:00am Tuesday to 6:00am Wednesday

Wednesday we may not even reach freezing (brrrrr!) with the chance for a bit more snow but it won’t be much, if any. Wednesday night we’ll again be down to the teens and Thanksgiving is looking to be another cold one! Holiday travelers should keep an eye on the developing conditions, particularly if you are driving south on I-25. Be sure to monitor CDOT’s website ( to get the latest on road conditions.

As always, keep checking back with for the latest weather conditions and forecasts.

Snow probably. Cold yes. Big weather changes coming Tuesday!

Snow on the way!The storm we’ve been keeping an eye on is heading our way and there will definitely be a big change in temperatures. This will bring an end to the very mild weather we have been experiencing and by mid-day Tuesday the front will arrive and the mercury will drop quickly – expect Tuesday’s high temperature to arrive mid-morning and drop from there.

By Tuesday’s afternoon rush hour snow should be falling although unfortunately it doesn’t look like there will be a lot of accumulation. Flurries will continue through Tuesday night into Wednesday with modest accumulations. Heading into Wednesday our high temp will be near freezing and will stay there through most of the holiday weekend. Thanksgiving will definitely be a cold one and anyone heading out on “Black Friday” to get started on Christmas shopping better be bundled up!

Stay tuned to for more information on this developing system as it becomes available.