Indoor lightning safety – Staying safe in your home or office

Lightning can cause injury and even death indoors. (Wikipedia)

Certainly the dangers of lightning are most prevalent outdoors and being indoors is the safest place to be when thunder is heard. Even inside your home or business lightning can be damaging and cause significant injury.

From the National Weather Service:

600 AM MDT THU JUN 24 2021

Statistics tell us that we are much less likely to become a lightning strike victim if we are inside a substantial structure such as a home or office building. In 2016, thirty eight people in the United States were killed by lightning, and all of these fatalities occurred outdoors. While nearly all people who are injured or killed by lightning were outdoors, a small percentage of people are injured by lightning while indoors. Therefore, it is important to discuss lightning safety while indoors.

The dangerous electrical current associated with a lightning strike typically enters a structure through wires, cables or pipes that connect to the building from the outside. Lightning can also directly enter into a structure through an open window, door or garage door. Once in a structure, the dangerous current can travel through the electrical, phone, cable and plumbing systems and through metal wires or bars in concrete walls or flooring.

Corded electronic devices are the leading cause of indoor lightning injuries in the United States. These include personal computer keyboards, game consoles, and corded phones. Other injuries have occurred when people were close by to televisions which connect to an outside cable or satellite system. Open windows, doors and garage doors allow for a direct strike to enter a home, so make sure all windows and doors are closed when lightning is occurring. Never watch a lightning storm from a porch or open garage door. There are several You-Tube videos that show people being injured by lightning while they were recording lightning from their porch or open garage door.

It is very important to stay away from any plumbing when lightning is occurring outside. This includes sinks, bathtubs and showers. When lightning is occurring, do not hand wash dishes, do not give kids a bath, and do not take a shower. It is best to wait to do laundry until after the storm goes by as washers and dryers are connected to both the electrical and plumbing systems.

People have also been injured while leaning and standing near concrete in their homes and offices. This is due to metal rebar which is in the concrete, and this metal acts as a conductor when lightning hits the building.

A house or other substantial building offers the best protection from lightning. In contrast, many small shelters such as bullpens, picnic shelters, sheds or tents (no matter what the size) offer no protection from lightning, and should be avoided at all cost.

Here is a summary of lightning safety tips for inside the home:

1. Avoid corded electronics and electrical equipment.
2. Avoid contact with plumbing, such as taking a shower, bathing, hand washing dishes or doing laundry.
3. Stay away from windows, doors, garages and porches.
4. Do not lie on concrete floors or lean against concrete walls.
5. If a substantial building is not nearby, an enclosed car or truck offers excellent protection from lightning.

Below are a couple of web sites that contain additional lightning information:

NOAA’s lightning website which contains abundant information on lightning safety can be found at:

Lightning information specific for the State of Colorado can be found at:

The lightning topic for tomorrow will be lightning medical issues for survivors.

Lightning Safety and Wildfire Awareness Series:

Outdoor lightning safety – When thunder roars, go indoors

When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors - Lightning Safety Poster (NOAA)
One simple phrase provides the most important safety tip for lightning – When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors. (NOAA)

Statistics provide insight into the dangers of severe weather and lightning is one of the most deadly.  Over the past decade Colorado has been the second deadliest state for lightning and many of these fatalities could have been avoided if the victims had remembered one key phrase: When thunder roars, go indoors.

From the National Weather Service:

600 AM MDT WED JUNE 23 2021

Colorado Lightning Safety Awareness Week continues through Saturday. Yesterday we discussed the science of lightning. Today we will cover outdoor lightning safety.

Outdoors is the most dangerous place to be during a thunderstorm.

Each year…nearly all people in the United States who are injured or killed by lightning were involved in an outdoor activity. They were struck while working outside…were at or participating at an outdoor sporting event…were boating or fishing. They were struck while hiking…mowing the lawn or simply going to or from their car.   Quite a few were on their own property when they were struck.

Unfortunately…there is no place outside that is safe from lightning. The only safe place to be when lightning is occurring is either inside a substantial building…or an enclosed automobile.

Here are some important things to remember before venturing outdoors…

An informed decision will help you avoid being in an area where lightning is expected to occur.  Before heading out…get an updated forecast. Stay tuned to NOAA weather radio…check national weather service web sites…or access your favorite weather apps on your cell phone for the latest forecast.

In Colorado…it is important to remember that thunderstorms typically develop in the mountains after 11 am.  So it is best to plan your climbing or hiking trip so that you are coming down the mountain by late morning.

If thunderstorms are in the forecast…consider planning an alternate indoor activity or make plans which will allow you to quickly get into a safe shelter.

Once you are outside…keep up-to-date on the weather via your smart phone or portable NOAA weather radio receiver. Check for updated forecasts. Check if storms are near you by checking the latest radar imagery on your cell phone. There are now several smart phone apps you can purchase that show you real-time lightning activity in your area. Do not forget to simply look around you to make sure storms are not developing in your vicinity.

We will now discuss two outdoor scenarios. The first is what to do if you are outdoors and a safe location is nearby…while the second scenario is what to do if you are outdoors and no safe location is nearby.

If you are outside…such as a park…a lake…or an outdoor sporting event…know where the nearest safe location is located at.

A safe location is any substantial building…such as a business…a home…or a church. Any enclosed hard topped automobile also offers excellent protection from lightning. Once you hear thunder or see lightning…immediately stop what you are doing and quickly get to the safe shelter. Do not wait until the rain starts to seek safe shelter. Once inside a safe shelter…it is recommended you stay there for 30 minutes after the last rumble of thunder.

Past history has shown that most people who were outdoors and were injured or killed by lightning had access to a safe shelter nearby.

Do not wait to seek safe shelter when lightning threatens. When you hear thunder or see lightning…it is important for you…and your family…to act quickly.

It is critically important to avoid shelters that are not safe from lightning…including picnic shelters…bullpens…tents and any other small buildings that are open to the elements.

Never…never…get under a tree to seek shelter from lightning.

It is important that all sports leagues and other outdoor groups have a lightning response plan that is understood and consistently applied for the safety of the participants. Part of the plan would include a designated weather watcher at each outdoor event with the authority to postpone or cancel the event due to the threat of lightning. It is also important that people know where to seek safe shelter if a storm threatens. As we have seen recently…the NCAA…the NFL and MLB now delay games when lightning is in the area.

Our second scenario involves what you can do to reduce your chances of being injured or killed by lighting if no safe shelter is nearby.

This situation typically occurs to people who are hiking or camping in the backcountry. Unfortunately…in this scenario…there is not much you can do to reduce your risk from being struck by lightning.

The best thing to do is move away from tall isolated objects…such as trees. Stay away from wide open areas. Stay as low as possible with your feet close together if lightning is nearby. If you are with a group of people…spread out…that way if someone is struck by lightning…the others can offer first aid. If camping in the backcountry…place your tent in a low area away from tall isolated trees.

Remember…when thunder roars…go indoors!

There are a couple of web sites that contain additional lightning information.

NOAA’s lightning website which contains abundant information on lightning safety can be found at…


Lightning information specific for the state of Colorado can be found at…


The lightning topic for tomorrow will be on indoor lightning safety.

Lightning Safety and Wildfire Awareness Series:

The science of thunderstorms and lightning

Lightning produced by thunderstorms presents a very real danger to Colorado residents. Image courtesy VORTEX2 / NSSL.

Thunderstorms and their associated hazards frequently make appearances in Colorado during the spring and summer months.  Lightning presents one of the damaging – and deadly – aspects of these storms and knowing more about the science behind the phenomena helps us to better protect ourselves.

As part of Lightning and Wildfire Safety Awareness Week, this installment from the National Weather Service gives more information on the science behind these bolts of electricity.

From the National Weather Service:

600 AM MDT TUE Jun 22 2021


Every thunderstorm produces lightning. Lightning is a giant spark that moves within the cloud…between clouds…or between the cloud and the ground. As lightning passes through the air…it heats the air rapidly to a temperature of about fifty thousand degrees Fahrenheit. This causes a rapid expansion of the air near the lightning channel. This rapid expansion causes a shock wave that we hear as thunder.

Thunderstorms will form if there is enough moisture and instability in the atmosphere. As the sun warms the air near the ground…pockets of warmer air begin to rise and cool. Condensation of water vapor causes cumulus clouds to form. Continued heating can cause these clouds to continue to grow upward into the atmosphere. Towering cumulus clouds may be one of the first indications of a developing thunderstorm. The mature thunderstorm has both an updraft of rising motion and a downdraft of sinking cool air accompanied by rain and sometimes hail.

Thunderstorms grow tens of thousands of feet into the atmosphere. In the cloud…precipitation forms as ice crystals…hail…and rain. Collisions between ice particles cause a charge separation…and positively charged ice crystals are carried by the updraft high in the thunderstorm. The heavier hail gathers a negative charge and falls toward the lower part of the storm. The top of the cloud becomes positively charged and the lower part of the storm becomes negatively charged.

Due to the pool of negative charges in the lower part of the storm…a pool of positive charges will develop along the ground and follow the cloud like a shadow. Farther away from the cloud base…but under the positively charged anvil…a strong negative charge may be induced.

Cloud-to-ground lightning can either be a negatively charged flash or a positively charged flash. The negative flash usually occurs between the negative charges in the lower part of the storm and the positive charges on the ground under and near the cloud base. Positive flashes usually occur between the positively-charged upper levels of the storm and the negatively-charged area surrounding the storm.

In the negative cloud-to-ground flash…an invisible…negatively-charged step leader forms near the cloud base and surges downward toward the ground. As this step leader approaches the ground… streamers of positive charge move upward from trees…buildings…and other objects on the ground. When these streamers meet the step leader…the connection is completed…and the result is lightning. The entire process takes place in fractions of a second.

If you are under a thunderstorm and your hair rises…you are in an area where the positive charges are rising up objects towards the storm. It is a dangerous location…because lightning may be about to strike.

The process for a positive flash is similar except that a positive channel usually originates in the anvil of the storm and surges downward. In this case…streamers of negative charge shoot up to meet the positively-charged channel as it approaches the ground. When a connection is made…a positive flash of lightning occurs.

While both negative and positive flashes of lightning can be deadly…the positive flashes generally are more destructive as they typically deliver more overall electrical charge to the ground…and they remain in contact with the ground surface for a longer period of time as compared to a negative cloud-to-ground flash.

The best advice in order to minimize your risk of becoming a lightning strike victim is to get indoors into a substantial shelter the second you hear thunder…and to remain there for at least 30 minutes after the last rumble of thunder.  In general…when thunder roars…go indoors. An enclosed hard topped automobile is also a safe place to be during thunderstorms.

For additional information about lightning or lightning safety…visit NOAA’s Lightning Safety Awareness web site at (in lower case):

Lightning Safety and Wildfire Awareness Series:

Lightning and wildfire safety overview

Lightning fatalities by state, 1959-2007. (Vaisala)
Lightning fatalities by state, 1959-2007. (Vaisala)

Colorado has the rather unenviable distinction of ranking fourth in the United States for lightning-related fatalities.  During the spring and summer the nice weather finds many residents outside and while clear skies are the norm, storms oftentimes loom and present a very real hazard to residents.

From the National Weather Service:

600 AM MDT MON JUN 21 2021

Colorado Lightning Safety Awareness Week continues through Saturday. Today we discuss the lightning threat across the Centennial State.

In the United States, there are an estimated 25 million cloud-to-ground lightning flashes per year, and each one is a potential threat to both life and property. During the past thirty years, 44 people have been killed each year by lightning on average, while during the last ten years this number is 27. Last year, 16 people were killed by lightning, while many others were injured. All of the people who were killed by lightning in 2017 were involved in outdoor activities.

In Colorado last year, lightning killed 2 people and injured 2. During the past thirty seven years, on average, Colorado has had 3 lightning fatalities and 12 injuries per year.

Since 1980, El Paso County, including the Colorado Springs metro area, has had the dubious distinction of having the most lightning casualties, with 10 fatalities and 84 injuries. Larimer County has had 10 fatalities and 75 injuries, while Jefferson County has had 9 fatalities and 38 injuries.

Because it usually affects one or two victims at a time, and does not cause the destruction left in the wake of tornadoes or hurricanes, lightning generally receives less attention.

Many people do not act in a timely manner to protect their lives, and the lives of others, simply because they do not understand all the dangers associated with thunderstorms and lightning.

You need to become aware of the situations that put you at a greater risk of being struck by lightning, and what you can do to reduce that risk. While nearly all people take some protective actions when rain, hail and wind are occurring with thunderstorms, many leave themselves vulnerable to being struck by lightning as thunderstorms approach, move overhead and move away.

Lightning can strike more than 10 miles from the rain area of a thunderstorm. That distance is about as far as you can hear thunder. If you can hear thunder, you could be in danger of being struck by lightning. When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors!

Most lightning deaths and injuries in Colorado occur during the afternoon when lightning is most likely to develop, and when people are more likely to be outside. Quite a few lightning fatalities occur when little or no rain is falling.

The chance that you will be struck by lightning in the United States is about 1 in 960 thousand for each year of your life. However, your chance of being struck will depend on whether you consistently practice all the lightning safety rules.

Lightning starts around half of the forest and rangeland wildfires across the state. Colorado averages around 2500 wildfires each year. Many of these lightning caused fires occur with very little or no rain. These storms often generate gusty winds, which can fan the flames of the fire.

During this Lightning Safety Awareness Week, the National Weather Service will provide a variety of information on lightning in Colorado.

On Tuesday, the science of lightning will be discussed.

On Wednesday, the topic of the day is outdoor lightning risk reduction. On Thursday, we will have information on indoor lightning safety.

On Friday, information for lightning strike survivors will be provided. On Saturday, lightning and wildfire information will be available.

When planning outdoor activities, check out the hazardous weather outlook and the latest forecast, which include thunderstorm and lightning potential. Make sure you get the specific forecast information of the location you will be visiting. The web sites for National Weather Service offices which cover Colorado and issue these products are…

Denver/Boulder… Grand Junction… Pueblo…………… Goodland…………

NOAA’s lightning website which contains abundant information on lightning safety can be found at:

Lightning information specific for the State of Colorado can be found at:

The lightning topic for tomorrow will be the science of lightning.


Lightning Safety and Wildfire Awareness Series:

Lightning Safety and Wildfire Awareness Week highlights real dangers for residents

Lightning Warning Sign - When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors
Protecting yourself and your family from the dangers of lightning can be summed up in one phrase: When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors

Colorado is starting its annual Lightning Safety and Wildfire Awareness Week, an important opportunity to educate residents of the dangers lightning presents.  One statistic serves to highlight the very real hazard of lightning in Colorado – the Centennial State ranks as the second deadliest state for lightning fatalities in the nation.

We oftentimes read about the results of lightning strikes in our weekly look at Denver weather history.  They spark wildfires, cause property damage and injuries and in some cases result in death.  From 2001 to 2010 26 people were killed by lightning in Colorado – second only to Florida.

Each day during the National Weather Service’s Lightning Safety and Wildfire Awareness Week a new message is publicized covering a range of topics.  From lightning safety to the science of lightning, residents can learn more about this very real danger.

The following is the introductory message from the National Weather Service for this year with links to more information.  Education is key to protecting you and your family and we encourage you to study these pages and remember – When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors!

From the National Weather Service:

600 AM MDT Sun Jun 24 2021

The governor of Colorado has declared the week of June 24 through June 30 as Colorado Lightning Safety Awareness Week. Lightning strikes the ground in our state over a half million times each year and with many of us participating in outdoor activities, we need to learn how to protect ourselves from lightning hazards.

Lightning is also responsible for about half of the wildfires in Colorado each year. When lightning or other conditions are conducive to a high wildfire threat, the National Weather Service will issue Fire Weather Watches or Red Flag Warnings.

During this week a series of statements will cover a variety of topics related to lightning and wildfires.

Monday…Lightning Overview for Colorado
Tuesday…The Science of Lightning
Wednesday…Outdoor lightning safety
Thursday…Indoor lightning safety
Friday…Lightning medical issues for survivors
Saturday…Lightning and wildfires

Here are a couple web sites that contain additional lightning information.

NOAA`s lightning website which contains abundant information on lightning safety can be found at:

Lightning information specific for the State of Colorado can be found at:

Steve Hodanish
Senior Forecaster
NWS Pueblo, CO

June 20 to June 26: This week in Denver weather history

This Week in Denver Weather History

Late June weather is usually relatively calm but when it turns severe, it can do so in spades.  Hail, flooding rains, tornadoes and more are not unusual.  This week in Denver weather history we see plenty of each of those including a hail storm in 1993 that damaged dozens of planes at Denver International Airport.


In 1875…smoke from several large forest fires in the mountains was visible from the city on each of these days.


In 1888…northwest winds were sustained to 44 mph.

In 1956…a microburst caused a brief wind gust to 58 mph at Stapleton Airport.

In 1964…hail up to 1 inch in diameter was reported 1 mile north of Stapleton International Airport.  A 3 minute hail storm at both Stapleton International Airport and Lowry Field piled small hail to one half inch deep.

In 1967…a strong thunderstorm dumped 1.95 inches of rain in less than an hour at Stapleton International Airport and produced a wind gust to 54 mph.  The storm caused some flooding in east Denver and Aurora.  There was widespread flooding to streets…basements…and store buildings and automobiles.  Hail stones to 3/4 inch in diameter were measured at Buckley Field in Aurora.  A tornado touched down just south of Littleton…damaging a barn and killing several head of cattle.

In 1985…a wind gust to 61 mph was reported at Golden Gate Canyon in the foothills west of Denver.

In 1986…a man was killed by lightning at Highlands Ranch south of Denver.

In 1987…several tornadoes were sighted across metro Denver.  A tornado touched down briefly 5 miles west of Parker.  A tornado was sighted just north of Chatfield Reservoir.  A tornado just northwest of Watkins was on the ground for 15 minutes.  A tornado near Barr Lake was taped by a television news crew.  It had a double vortex and was on the ground for about 10 minutes.  In addition to the 4 tornadoes…severe thunderstorms dumped large hail across metro Denver.  One inch hail was reported in southeast Aurora; 3/4 inch hail fell at the Denver technology center…Buckley Field…and Franktown.

In 1992…several short-lived tornadoes occurred in the vicinity of Barr Lake.  No injuries or damages were reported.  A water spout was sighted over the southern end of Barr Lake.  Funnel clouds were also sighted on the grounds of the rocky mountain arsenal by national weather service observers at Stapleton International Airport.

In 1994…hail up to dime size covered I-25 south of Denver and near Sedalia.  Heavy rain caused local flooding on the interstate highway.

In 1996…strong thunderstorm winds downed several large tree limbs in Boulder on the University of Colorado campus.  A stop light in the city was also blown down.

In 1999…lightning sparked an oil tank fire near Brighton.

In 2001…large hail driven by strong thunderstorm winds raked Denver international and Front Range airports.  Wind gusting to 54 mph along with hail as large 2 inches in diameter punched at least 14 thousand holes and cracks in the flat roofs of several buildings at Denver International Airport. In addition…93 planes and hundreds of cars were damaged. About 100 flights had to be cancelled…stranding 1500 travelers.  The airport was completely shut down for about 20 minutes.  The storm also damaged a ground avoidance radar used to track planes on the ground to prevent collisions. Damage was estimated at 10 million dollars…not counting the damage to the 93 airliners.  The storm moved south and struck Watkins with hail as large as 2 1/2 inches in diameter and winds gusting to 60 mph.  A least 30 private planes at Front Range airport were destroyed.  The radome protecting the national weather service doppler radar…which was tracking the storm…also sustained damage.  The large hail…damaging winds…and heavy rain pummeled a mobile home park near Watkins.  In the park…52 mobile homes…14 recreational vehicles…3 homes…and a commercial building were damaged.  Siding was riddled with holes and windows were broken.  Vehicles sustained extensive damage and car windows were shattered.  A handful of people were treated for minor cuts and bruises.  The strong winds also flipped a tractor trailer along I-70 near Watkins.  The storm caused power outages…which affected about 1200 residents. Excluding the damage at Denver International Airport…damage estimates totaled 49 million dollars…making the storm the costliest in the last 3 years and the 10th costliest since 1984.  A small tornado touched down just east of Brighton… But did no damage.  Hail as large as 2 inches in diameter fell near Fort Lupton with 3/4 inch hail measured in Bennett.  Precipitation from the storm totaled only 0.23 inch at Denver International Airport.

In 2002…heavy rain fell near the Hayman Wildfire burn area. Flash flooding washed out a 40-foot section of the access road to Cheeseman Reservoir.  Some debris was washed against a gate…blocking the road.  Hail to 1 1/2 inches in diameter fell near central city with 3/4 inch hail near Blackhawk.

In 2003…hail as large as 1 inch in diameter fell near Bennett and Strasburg with 3/4 inch hail measured in Denver…Golden… At Centennial Airport…and near Parker.  Hail as large as 7/8 inch was reported in Arvada.

In 2004…a severe thunderstorm produced hail to 3/4 inch in diameter in and near Brighton.

In 2005…severe thunderstorms produced large hail near the palmer divide.  Hail to 1 inch in diameter was measured near Larkspur with 7/8 inch hail near Sedalia and 3/4 inch hail in Greenland.  An apparent thunderstorm outflow produced a wind gust to 59 mph at Denver International Airport during the evening hours.

In 2010…lightning struck a home in Centennial and sparked a fire which caused extensive damage.


In 1897…high winds raked the city overnight.  Southeast winds were sustained to 60 mph with gusts as high as 72 mph on the 20th.  Southeast winds were sustained to 57 mph with gusts to 60 mph on the 21st.

In 2007…a brief hot spell produced two temperature records. The high temperature of 97 degrees was tied on the 20th. A new record high temperature of 99 degrees was established on the 21st.


In 1927…north winds were sustained to 40 mph with gusts to 44 mph.

In 1984…lightning struck and killed two children standing near a tree in a backyard in Lakewood.  Strong thunderstorm downbursts caused a wind gust to 58 mph in Northglenn and knocked down two power poles near Brighton.

In 1988…lightning struck a home in Denver…causing about ten thousand dollars damage.  Lightning damaged 3 homes in Littleton…and also hit a house in greenwood village that had been struck by lightning 7 years previously.

In 1991…thunderstorms produced widespread hail across metro Denver.  Hail as large as 2 1/2 inches fell at several locations across southwest metro Denver.  One storm spotter reported hail 8 inches deep near the intersection of I-25 and c-470.  Heavy rain with the storms caused some street flooding.  In Commerce City…several cars were under water… And in Westminster a police officer reported water up to the doors of his car.  Damage to homes and automobiles totaled 55 million dollars.

In 1992…a tornado touched down briefly near Bennett. Another tornado was briefly on the ground near Strasburg.

In 1994…heavy thunderstorm rains caused flooding in metro Denver.  Several vehicles were stalled in the high water on I-25.  Lightning struck an underground natural gas line in Aurora…causing a fire.  Widespread power outages were also observed.

In 1996…three homes were struck by lightning in Parker. The lightning struck the garage of the first home…which started a small fire that burned some siding and spread into the attic.  A second home sustained damage to the attic when a small fire was started.  The third home received only minor damage.  Lightning also sparked two small grass fires in the area.  A man in Lakewood received minor injuries when he was struck by lightning while working on a ladder.  A funnel cloud was sighted in Castle Rock.  Strong thunderstorm winds downed a large tree near crossroads mall in Boulder.  A small tornado (f0) briefly touched down near Lafayette.  No damage was reported.

In 1997…one inch diameter hail was measured in Boulder.

In 2002…a thunderstorm wind gust to 62 mph was recorded at Denver International Airport.

In 2005…severe thunderstorms produced hail to 1 inch in diameter in Broomfield along with 3/4 inch hail near Arvada.

In 2006…a man riding a motorcycle was struck and killed by lightning on U.S. Highway 36 between church ranch blvd. And Sheridan Blvd. In Westminster.  After the biker was struck…he and his motorcycle crashed into the center concrete median of the highway.  The lightning bolt left a crater in the highway asphalt that measured 18 inches long…8 inches wide and 4 inches deep.

In 2010…a severe thunderstorm produced hail up to 1 1/2 inches in diameter near Morrison. In Lafayette and Louisville…hail up to one inch in diameter was observed.

In 2014…three small tornadoes touched down in eastern Adams County near Barr Lake…Bennett and Front Range Airport. The tornado near Barr Lake damaged some out buildings and a storage shed. Minor roof damage to houses in the immediate area was reported near 168th Ave and Haymont Rd near 168th Ave and Haymont Rd. It was rated an EF1. The others did no damage.

Continue reading June 20 to June 26: This week in Denver weather history

Denver reaches 100 degrees for the second day in a row, notches another record high

Record High Temperature

No rest for the heat weary as temperatures once again soared today.

The official high temperature for the Mile High City, as measured at DIA, reached 100 degrees today. For the second day in a row, this sets a record high. The previous record high for June 16 was 96 degrees set in 2020.

Thornton was warmer than Denver today reaching 103 degrees. This ties the highest reading we have recorded at Thornton Weather since we came online 15 years ago. The previous 103 degree reading was on June 23, 2012.

Denver shatters record high temperature for June 15

Record High Temperature

The heat is on! The high pressure ridge that refuses to move continues to bring the heat and today put mercury readings in record setting territory.

As measured at Denver International Airport, the Mile High City’s official high temperature today reached 101 degrees. These easily topped the old record high for June 15 of 97 degrees set in 1951 and 1993.

Here in  Thornton, we were just a touch “cooler” with a high of 100 degrees.

June 13 to June 19: This week in Denver weather history

This Week in Denver Weather History

June typically is a very eventful weather month and looking back at this week in Denver weather history that is clearly seen.  Among the more noteworthy items are the 2002 Hayman Fire, a 1965 flood that damaged dozens of bridges in the Denver area and the infamous tornadoes in 1988 that struck near downtown Denver.


In 2012…it was the hottest June in Denver since weather records began back in 1872. The average temperature for the month was 75.0 degrees which was 7.6 degrees above normal. There were a total of seventeen 90 degree days in the month of June. The highlight of record setting month was a stretch of five consecutive 100 degree days from the 22nd to the 26th. This was only the third time in Denver weather history in which this happened. Two of the high temperatures during the stretch peaked at 105 degrees… which set the all time record for the month of June and tied the all-time maximum temperature for Denver.


In 1999…damage from several hailstorms in and near metro Denver totaled 35 million dollars.  About 17.5 million dollars was from automobile claims with another 17.5 million in homeowner claims.  The areas hardest hit by the storms included Castle Rock…Commerce City…Evergreen… And Golden.


In 2000…two large wildfires developed in the Front Range foothills as careless campers and very dry conditions proved to be a dangerous combination.  Strong winds gusting in excess of 60 mph on the 13th fanned the flames… Spreading both wildfires out of control.  Winds gusted to 78 mph atop Niwot Ridge near the Continental Divide west of Boulder.  The hi meadows wildfire…about 35 miles southwest of Denver…consumed nearly 11 thousand acres and 80 structures…mostly high priced homes.  The bobcat wildfire…located about 12 miles southwest of Fort Collins… Consumed nearly 11 thousand acres and 22 structures.  Late on the 16th…a strong cold front moved south over the great plains into northeastern Colorado.  Low level upslope conditions developed in the wake of the front…producing 2 to 4 inches of snowfall overnight at elevations above 8 thousand feet.  Firefighters were able to contain both fires shortly thereafter.


In 1956…a microburst caused a brief wind gust to 59 mph at Stapleton Airport.

In 1957…an unconfirmed tornado appeared to touch the ground in the vicinity of Franktown.  No damage was reported from the twister.

In 1968…a violent gust of wind…possibly associated with a thunderstorm…caused 75 hundred dollars damage in Boulder.

In 1973…hail…1/2 to 3/4 inch in diameter…fell over Lakewood.  Flash flooding occurred in west Denver from the same storm.

In 1974…a thunderstorm wind gust to 64 mph was recorded at Stapleton International Airport.

In 1977…hail the size of table tennis balls…1 1/2 inches in diameter…was reported in Boulder.

In 1981…large hail to golf ball size fell in Denver… Northglenn…and Brighton.  Hail as large as baseballs was reported in Federal Heights.

In 1984…one of the worst hailstorms ever experienced in metro Denver struck the northwestern suburbs of Arvada…Wheat Ridge…and Lakewood…but large hail also fell in Golden… Southeast Denver…and Aurora.  Homes and other buildings sustained around 200 million dollars in damage.  Thousands of cars were battered by giant hailstones…and total damage to vehicles was estimated at 150 million dollars.  In some areas…golf ball size hail fell continuously for 30 to 40 minutes.  Some places were pelted with a few stones as large as grapefruits!  Roofs on thousands of structures were severely damaged.  Uncounted car windshields were broken; two-thirds of Arvada’s police cars were rendered inoperable.  Torrential rains…with as much as 4.75 inches in Lakewood clogged drains and caused widespread damage from flooding.  In some places hail was washed into drifts several feet deep.  About 20 people were injured by the giant hailstones.  One couple was hospitalized.  A woman drowned when she was trapped under a trailer by high water. Only pea size hail fell at Stapleton International Airport.

In 1988…2 inch hail fell in Parker.  Soft hail 1 inch in diameter fell at the mouth of turkey creek canyon 5 miles southeast of Morrison.  Hail between 1 inch and 1 3/4 inches fell at both Bennett and Strasburg.  A tornado touched down briefly at Strasburg.  A brief funnel cloud was sighted by national weather service observers 15 miles southwest of Stapleton International Airport.

In 1991…a Boulder man was injured when struck by lightning while in a tent.  He received only minor burns.

In 1997…lightning struck a home in Denver.  The extent of the damage was unknown.  A home in Littleton was also struck.  The house caught fire…but the extent of the damage was not known.

In 1998…a strong mountain wave produced a brief period of high winds along the Front Range.  A small building atop squaw pass west of Denver was blown down.  Tree limbs were downed across metro Denver.  Peak wind gusts included:  80 mph on squaw pass…69 mph at Jefferson County Airport near Broomfield…and 60 mph in Westminster and at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder.  West-northwest winds gusted to 51 mph at Denver International Airport.

In 2001…high winds developed briefly in Boulder County. A peak wind gust to 76 mph was recorded at the National Center for Atmospheric Research atop the mesa in Boulder. A wind gust to 72 mph was recorded at southern hills middle school in Boulder.  Lightning started a small fire…which damaged the roof of a house in Greenwood Village.

In 2009…severe thunderstorms produced hail up to one inch in diameter near Arvada and byers…as well as 7 miles north-northwest of Front Range airport near watkins.


In 2006…the high temperature of 99 degrees on the 13th equaled the record maximum temperature for the date first set in 1994.  The high temperature of 102 degrees on the 14th was a new record maximum temperature for the date.


In 1877…an evening thunderstorm produced lightning which struck several houses and killed a cow in the bottom land of the South Platte River

In 1886…hail as large as 3/4 inch in diameter fell in the city.  Precipitation was only 0.10 inch.

In 1887…south winds were sustained to 41 mph.

In 1900…a thunderstorm produced northwest winds to 51 mph with gusts to 61 mph…but only a trace of rain.

In 1923…a severe thunderstorm pelted the city with hail. The stones ranged in diameter from 0.2 to 0.8 inch. Gardens and greenhouses suffered considerable damage. Rainfall was only 0.14 inch downtown.

In 1960…one workman was killed and 4 others injured in Lakewood when a partly built apartment building collapsed in strong winds.  Microburst wind gusts to 54 mph caused some blowing dust at Stapleton Airport.

In 1967…tornadoes touched down briefly 3 miles west of Franktown and 4 miles northeast of Parker.  No damage was reported.  Numerous funnel clouds were reported over south metro Denver…one 5 miles south of Denver…one 2 to 3 miles north of Castle Rock…and two near Littleton.

In 1968…a microburst wind gust to 52 mph was recorded at Stapleton International Airport.

In 1972…1 3/4 inch hail was reported in wheat ridge.

In 1976…high winds…unusually strong for this late in the season…raked metro Denver.  Wind gusts estimated to 100 mph tore 24 boats from their moorings and damaged a total of 47 boats at Boulder reservoir.  Wind gusts to 82 mph were recorded in Boulder.  The strong winds toppled the wind mast at a radio station in Boulder.  An automobile was smashed by a fallen tree in Boulder.  Other damage in Boulder was minor…but power outages occurred when tree limbs fell on  power lines.  At Jefferson County Airport near Broomfield…wind gusts to 78 mph were recorded with 87 mph gusts clocked at Rocky Flats nuclear plant south of Boulder.  Wind gusts to 66 mph were observed in Littleton… And northwest winds gusted to 46 mph at Stapleton International Airport.  The strong winds collapsed a barn near Arvada.  Several horses received minor injuries. Thirty trees were uprooted or broken in Denver.  Four major power outages occurred from west Denver and Lakewood to the foothills.

In 1982…the worst hailstorm in 17 years struck Commerce City.  The storm left 4 to 8 inches of hail on the ground. A few of the stones were as large as golf balls.  Many vehicles were dented…and some windshields were shattered. Roofs of homes were damaged.   Total damage was estimated at over one million dollars.  Hail to 1 inch in diameter also fell in Littleton.  Only 1/4 inch hail was measured at Stapleton International Airport.

In 1988…lightning ripped a small hole in the roof of a home in the southern part of Boulder.  There were some power outages in the area.

In 1992…an off duty national weather service employee reported hail to 1 inch diameter in Westminster.

In 1997…one inch diameter hail fell in Bennett…and 3/4 inch hail was measured in Littleton.

In 1999…hail as large as 1 1/2 inches in diameter hit Aurora. Lightning sparked two small fires at separate residences near the Hiwan Country Club in Evergreen.

In 2004…lightning sparked two small fires near Jamestown. One was in Geer Canyon and the other 7.5 miles up sunshine canyon.  Both were quickly contained and caused no damage to structures in the area.

In 2009…a complex of severe thunderstorm produced large hail damaging thunderstorm and funnel clouds across parts of the urban corridor.  The line formed along a boundary over the western suburbs of Denver then moved east. The boundary produced at least one well defined funnel cloud that could be observed by stadium full of baseball fans at Coors Field.  Large hail…up to 1 3/4 inches in diameter…was reported in Arvada…Broomfield…Denver…Federal Heights and Northglenn.  In addition…the storm produced peak wind gusts from 60 to 74 mph.  At Denver International Airport…a peak wind gust to 58 mph was observed from the west-northwest.

In 2014…severe thunderstorms broke out across the Urban Corridor. Large hail…ranging in size from 1 to 2 inches in diameter…was observed. The area extended from around Englewood to Aurora and included: Brookridge…Cherry Knolls… Greenwood Village and south Denver. As many as 212 thousand residences were potentially impacted by the storms. The hail shattered windshields and damaged vehicles.

Continue reading June 13 to June 19: This week in Denver weather history

Thornton’s June 2021 weather preview: Temps increase as do chances for severe weather

Thornton's June weather preview.Extreme weather can occur during in month in Colorado we well know.  June however is when traditional spring severe weather arrives in the state oftentimes with hail, damaging wind and tornadoes.

Over 40 percent of the tornadoes that occur in Colorado happen during the month of June.  Far more common are thunderstorms with hail and wind, each responsible for extensive damage each year.

While severe weather is common, so too are brilliantly sunny and mild days as we close out spring and enter summer.  If you are looking for cold, it isn’t likely but it is possible as the Denver area has seen freezing temperatures and yes, even snow, during the month.

Read more about Thornton and Denver’s June weather and a look ahead at this year.

Weather, natural disasters & climate news and information.