Tag Archives: Denver weather history

December 28 to January 3: This Week in Denver Weather History

This Week In Denver Weather History
December 28 to January 3: This Week in Denver Weather History

Powerful, damaging wind, bitter cold and major snowstorms mark our look back at this week in Denver weather history.

From the National Weather Service:


In 1980…temperatures were unusually warm during the week between Christmas and New Year’s. High temperatures for the week ranged from the mid-50’s to the mid-70’s. Four temperature records were set. Record highs occurred on the 26th with 68 degrees…the 27th with 75 degrees…and the 30th with 71 degrees. A record high minimum temperature of 41 degrees occurred on the 27th.


In 1979 a heavy snow storm dumped 6 to 10 inches of snow over the metro area and 15 to 20 inches at Boulder with up to 2 feet in the foothills west of Boulder. Heavy snowfall totaled 6.0 inches at Stapleton International Airport where north winds gusted to 21 mph. Most of the snow… 4.8 inches…fell on the 27th.


In 1997…high winds combined with fresh snow from a previous storm caused highways to become slick from drifting snow and near whiteout conditions in localized ground blizzards. Strong winds blew snow across the runways at Centennial Airport…which glazed over and formed areas of ice. Two planes were damaged when they slid off the runway while landing. No injuries were reported. Numerous accidents also occurred on I-25 and I-70 as ice formed under the same conditions. A rollover accident which injured 4 people on State Highway 93 near the Rocky Flats Environmental Test Facility was also attributed to the high winds. The high winds caused an office building and showroom under construction in Golden to collapse. The largest wall was 180 feet long and 28 feet high. Some high wind reports included: 86 mph at Golden Gate Canyon…72 mph near Conifer…and 70 mph at Jefferson County Airport and the National Center for Atmospheric Research on the mesa near Boulder. West-northwest winds gusted to 53 mph at Denver International Airport on the 27th.

In 1998…damaging downslope winds formed in and near the foothills. Peak wind gusts ranged from 71 to 114 mph. Numerous trees were blown down in Coal Creek Canyon and near Gross Reservoir. Power lines were blown down… Resulting in scattered outages. Peak wind reports included: 114 mph at Wondervu…92 mph in Golden Gate Canyon…88 mph in Coal Creek Canyon…and 79 mph 8 miles west of Conifer. West winds gusted to 46 mph at Denver International Airport on the 28th.


In 1983…a second surge of bitter cold air in less than a week was less intense. Record breaking low temperatures of 12 degrees below zero on the 28th and 15 degrees below zero on the 29th were accompanied by 3.7 inches of snowfall and northeast winds gusting to 23 mph.


In 2001…brief high winds developed in the foothills west of Denver. Winds gusted to 86 mph on Fritz Peak near Rollinsville. West to northwest winds gusted to 39 mph at Denver International Airport where the temperature climbed to a high of 51 degrees.


In 1906…a trace of snow fell on both days…which along with a trace of snow on the 5th…was the only snow of the month…ranking the month the second least snowiest December on record.

In 1970…wind gusts to 87 mph were recorded at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder. Winds gusted to only 46 mph in downtown Boulder. Damage was minor.

In 2006…while metro Denver residents were still digging out from the heavy snowfall and blizzard that occurred on December 20-21…the second major winter storm in a week buried the city and the eastern foothills again in more deep snow. Heavy snowfall ranged from 1 to 2 1/2 feet in the foothills and from 6 to 18 inches across the city. Another slow moving storm system centered over the Texas panhandle produced deep upslope flow over the high plains and against the Front Range mountains. The storm produced blizzard conditions over the plains mainly south of interstate 76. Interstate 70 as well as other roads and highways was closed from Denver to the Kansas line due to snow and blizzard conditions. Greyhound was forced to cancel all bus trips from Denver. The heaviest snow fell in and near the foothills and south of Denver over the Palmer Divide…where north winds sustained at speeds of 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 40 mph piled the snow into drifts 4 to 14 feet deep. In the city…the heavy snowfall persisted for a total of 29 hours. Snowfall totals across metro Denver included: 17.5 inches at Ken Caryl; 15 inches 3 miles south-southeast of Morrison; 14 inches in Boulder and lone tree; 12 inches in Castle Rock and Highlands Ranch; 11 inches in Wheat Ridge; 10.5 inches in Littleton; 10 inches in Arvada…Broomfield…and Louviers; and 8.5 inches in Lakewood and Thornton. Officially…snowfall totaled 8.0 inches at Denver Stapleton. North winds sustained to 25 mph with gusts to 32 mph produced some blowing snow at Denver International Airport. In the city…this second storm increased the total snowfall for the month to 29.4 inches…making the month the third snowiest on record. In the foothills the snow fell at a rate of 3 to 4 inches an hour at times. Total snowfall in the foothills included: 30 inches near Genesee; 29.5 inches 12 miles northwest of Golden; 25 inches in Evergreen and near Bergen Park; 24 inches near Conifer; 23.5 inches 3 miles southwest of Golden and near gold hill; 23 inches near Jamestown; 22.5 inches in Rollinsville; 19.5 inches in Aspen Springs; 19 inches near Blackhawk; 18.5 inches at Nederland; 16 inches in Indian Hills…at Intercanyon…and in Eldora; 15.5 inches at Echo Lake; and 12 inches near Ralston Reservoir. The total cost of snow removal just at Denver International Airport from this storm and the previous storm was in tens of millions of dollars. The airport estimated up to 6.7 million dollars in extra costs for contractors…overtime…equipment…de-icing chemicals…and other expenses. The two storms cost the airport 4.6 million dollars in loss concession revenues. United airlines reported lost revenue of over 25 million dollars from the two storms…while frontier airlines lost an estimated 12.1 million dollars.


In 1997…high winds persisted mainly in and near the foothills. Strong cross winds gusting between 60 and 70 mph blew a rental truck off the roadway in northern Jefferson County near the Coal Creek Canyon road. West winds gusted to 33 mph at Denver International Airport.

In 2005…high winds were recorded across metro Denver. Peak wind gusts included 75 mph near Chatfield Reservoir and 64 mph at Denver International Airport. No damage was reported.


In 1898…heavy snowfall totaled 6.2 inches in downtown Denver. Northeast winds were sustained to 35 mph with gusts to 40 mph on the 29th.

In 1912…strong winds buffeted Boulder…causing hundreds of dollars damage. The winds were described as one of the most terrific in the history of the city.

In 1923…a cold wave caused temperatures to plunge 58 degrees in 24 hours. The temperature was 54 degrees at 2:00 pm on the 29th and only 4 degrees below zero at the same time on the 30th. The low temperature of 14 degrees on the 29th was the high temperature on the 30th. The low temperature on the 30th dipped to 10 degrees below zero. Light snowfall totaled only 0.7 inch. Northeast winds were sustained to 23 mph on the 29th.

In 2008…very strong Chinook winds blasted areas in and near the foothills of Boulder and Jefferson counties. The wind blew down trees and power poles…downed electrical lines and fences…and damaged homes and vehicles. Scattered power outages were reported along the Front Range. In metropolitan Denver alone…24000 Xcel customers were affected by the outages. Four planed were damaged at the Vance Brand Municipal Airport in Longmont…one was heavily damaged. Insurance companies estimated up to 7 million dollars in damage. Peak wind gusts included 87 mph at the National Wind Technology Center…86 mph…2 miles north of Longmont; 77 mph at Erie…and 75 mph at Lafayette. On the 30th…a peak wind gust to 47 mph was recorded at Denver International Airport. .


In 1875…snow fell from the early morning into the early evening. While the amount of snowfall was not recorded… Precipitation from melted snow totaled 0.53 inch. Good sleighing was reported…so snowfall must have been 5 inches or more.

In 1895…northwest winds were sustained to 60 mph in the city.

In 1897…west winds sustained to 52 mph with gusts to 60 mph warmed the temperature to a high of 55 degrees.

In 1912…west winds were sustained to 48 mph with gusts to 52 mph. The Chinook winds warmed the temperature to a high of 50 degrees.

In 1928…snowfall was 0.1 inch in downtown Denver. This was the only measurable snow of the month…ranking the month the third least snowiest on record in the city.

In 1990…strong downslope winds buffeted the eastern foothills. Wind gusts to 91 mph were recorded atop Table Mesa in southwest Boulder…while a gust to 94 mph was clocked at Rollinsville. The high winds caused whiteout conditions due to blowing snow along some highways south and north of Boulder. The high winds downed power lines near the Rocky Flats plant south of Boulder.

In 1998…high winds continued to buffet areas in and near the foothills. Near Evergreen…a 100-foot-high blue spruce crashed down on the roof of a home…splitting the corrugated metal roof in half. Fortunately…the tree… Which measured 10 feet in circumference…only penetrated the home’s interior in a few places. Peak wind reports included: 90 mph at Wondervu…88 mph at the Rocky Flats test facility…83 mph near Conifer…and 82 mph atop Blue Mountain near Coal Creek Canyon. West winds gusted to 39 mph at Denver International Airport.

Continue reading December 28 to January 3: This Week in Denver Weather History

December 21 to December 27: This Week in Denver Weather History

This Week In Denver Weather History
December 21 to December 27: This Week in Denver Weather History

Powerful, damaging winds and monstrous snowstorms are the big highlights of this week in Denver weather history. Two storms are more memorable than most including the pre-Christmas blizzard of 2006 and of course the infamous 1982 Christmas Eve blizzard.

From the National Weather Service:


In 1924…a prolonged cold spell occurred after mild temperatures during the first half of the month. Most low temperatures dipped below zero with the coldest reading of 15 degrees below zero occurring on the 24th. The high temperature of only 5 degrees on the 18th was a record low maximum for the date.


In 2010…a winter storm produced a 4-day period of moderate to heavy snow in the mountains. The combination of strong wind and heavy snow forced the closure of several mountain passes due to the threat of avalanches. The Amtrak train route… Which runs from Denver to California…was rerouted through Wyoming when Union Pacific closed its tracks along Interstate 70. Numerous accidents forced the closure of I-70 at times. The wind gusted to 60 mph over the higher mountain passes. Storm totals in the ski areas west of Denver ranged from 16 to 32 inches.


In 1998…a vigorous cold front with north winds gusting as high as 38 mph at Denver International Airport on the 18th dropped temperatures from a high of 51 degrees to a low of just 6 degrees before midnight. The arctic air mass that settled over metro Denver produced intermittent light snow and a week-long protracted cold spell that caused low temperatures to plunge well below zero for 6 consecutive nights. The coldest temperature was 19 degrees below zero on the morning of the 22nd. High temperatures climbed only into the single digits on 4 consecutive days…from the 19th through the 22nd. At least 15 people…mostly homeless… Were treated for hypothermia at area hospitals. The bitter cold weather was responsible…either directly or indirectly… For at least 5 fatalities. Three of the victims died directly from exposure. The cold weather also caused intermittent power outages. Following the cold snap… Thawing water pipes cracked and burst in several homes and businesses…causing extensive damage. Only one temperature record was set. The high temperature of only 7 degrees on the 19th set a record low maximum for the date.


In 1990…a surge of very cold arctic air invaded metro Denver. Many temperature records were broken as the mercury remained at or below zero for 85.5 hours at Stapleton International Airport…making it the third longest period of subzero readings in 118 years of record keeping. On the morning of the 22nd…the mercury plunged to 25 degrees below zero…which equaled the all-time record low temperature for the month set on December 24…1876. In the foothills southwest of Denver at tiny town…the mercury plunged to 33 degrees below zero on the morning of the 21st. On the same morning at Castle Rock the temperature dipped to 26 degrees below zero. During the period…other daily temperature records were set at Denver…including: record low maximum of 3 degrees below zero on the 20th and a record low of 17 degrees below zero on the 23rd. The record low was equaled with 16 degrees below zero on the 20th and 21 degrees below zero on the 21st. Snowfall totaled 2.7 inches at Stapleton International Airport from the 19th through the 21st.


In 1969…high winds caused widespread…but mostly minor damage to roofs…windows…and power lines and overturned some house trailers in areas along and just east of the foothills. Wind gusts of 60 to 70 mph were reported in Boulder and south of Boulder at Rocky Flats. A wind gust to 115 mph was measured in Boulder at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. At Stapleton International Airport…west winds gusted to 44 mph on the 20th and to 45 mph on the 21st. The warm Chinook winds warmed the high temperature to 56 degrees on the 20th and to 65 degrees on the 21st.

In 2006…a major blizzard buried greater metro Denver and the adjacent foothills in deep snow. A slow moving upper level low pressure center produced deep moist upslope flow over the high plains and against the eastern slopes of the mountains…allowing heavy snowfall to persist for 34 hours across metro Denver. Total snow accumulations ranged from 1 to 2 1/2 feet across the city and from 2 to nearly 4 feet in the foothills. Adding to the misery… Strong north winds sustained at 20 to 35 mph with gusts from 45 to nearly 60 mph produced much blowing snow and piled the snow into drifts from 6 to 12 feet high…closing businesses and bringing all transportation to a halt. The storm forced the closure of Denver International Airport for a total of 45 hours which snarled the nation’s air traffic system. This was the longest closure in the airport’s 12 year history. The closure stranded nearly 5000 travelers when 2000 flights were canceled. Many inbound flights were diverted to other airports…stranding even more passengers. Many of the stranded travelers failed to reach their final destinations until days after the airport re-opened due to fully booked flights during the holiday season. Police and national guardsmen rescued hundreds of commuters stuck in their cars…and sent them to temporary shelters set up by the Red Cross. All interstates and other major highways in and out of Denver were closed. Greyhound was forced to cancel all bus trips from Denver. Mail delivery was suspended. The Regional Transportation District suspended all metro Denver bus service for the first time since the March 2003 blizzard. The roof of a discount store in Aurora collapsed under the weight of the heavy snow. In Lakewood…a power outage left 5600 residents without electricity for a brief time. Metro Denver snowfall amounts included: 34 inches 10 miles southeast of Buckley AFB…32 inches in Littleton…30 inches in Thornton and near Castle Rock…29.5 inches near Parker…28 inches in Wheat Ridge…25.5 inches at Centennial Airport…25 inches at Niwot…24 inches in Aurora…22.5 inches at Greenwood Village… 22 inches in Arvada…21.5 inches in Lakewood…20 inches in Longmont…and 15.5 inches in Boulder. Snowfall measured 20.7 inches officially in the Denver Stapleton area. This ranked the snowfall as the 7th greatest in the city since 1946. North winds were sustained to 37 mph with gusts to 55 mph at Denver International Airport. In the foothills snowfall totaled: 42 inches at Conifer and 11 miles southwest of Boulder…40 inches at Evergreen…39 inches at Aspen Springs… 37.5 inches 8 miles north of Blackhawk…33 inches near Nederland…31 inches at Intercanyon and near Tiny Town…30.5 inches atop buckhorn mountain…30 inches near Indian Hills… 29 inches at Rollinsville…24 inches near Gross Reservoir and Ralston Reservoir…22.4 inches atop Crow Hill…and 20 inches near Georgetown. Snowpacked and rutted streets and parking lots persisted for a month or more after the storm and subsequent storms. The heavy snowfall created a snow removal controversy when many citizens complained that residential streets were not cleared in a timely manner in the city and in some suburban areas. This was in spite of the fact that tens of millions of dollars were spent on snow removal. In the city of Denver…snow cover of an inch or more from this storm and subsequent storms persisted for 61 consecutive days…through February 19…2007. This is the second longest period of snow cover on record in the city. Many homeowners who had extensive Christmas lights and decorations in their yards were not able to remove the lights because the wires were buried in deep snow and ice until the end of February or later.


In 1933…strong downslope winds produced a warm spell. Low temperatures of 43 degrees on both the 20th and 21st and 41 degrees on the 22nd were record high minimums for those dates. High temperature of 67 degrees on the 21st was a record maximum for the date. High temperatures of 56 degrees on the 20th and 69 degrees on the 22nd were not records; however…the 69 degrees was the warmest of the month. West to northwest winds were sustained to 20 and 24 mph on the 21st and 22nd respectively.


In 1918…light snowfall on each day totaled 12.0 inches over downtown Denver. Northeast winds were sustained to 16 mph on the 21st.


In 1983…an extremely bitter cold spell occurred. The temperature remained below zero for 115 hours in Denver… The longest sub-zero period on record. The mercury dipped to 21 degrees below zero on the 21st…the coldest recorded temperature in over 20 years. The cold was accompanied by winds that plunged chill factors to 50 to 70 degrees below zero. Two people froze to death in Denver; both were found outside dead of exposure. Numerous cases of frostbite were reported. Hundreds of water pipes broke from the intense cold…water mains and natural gas lines also fractured…and electricity consumption reached record levels. Light snow totaling 5.8 inches fell at times…and holiday traffic was delayed at Stapleton International Airport for several hours. Eight daily temperature records were set at the time. The all-time record low maximum temperature for the month of 8 degrees below zero on the 21st still stands today. Other temperature records still standing include record low maximum temperatures of 5 degrees below zero on both the 22nd and 23rd and 4 degrees below zero on the 24th.

Continue reading December 21 to December 27: This Week in Denver Weather History

December 14 to December 20: This Week in Denver Weather History

This Week In Denver Weather History
December 14 to December 20: This Week in Denver Weather History

Bitter cold, powerful winds and major snowstorms are the biggest highlights of this week in Denver weather history.


In 1939…more than 2 weeks of unseasonably warm weather made the month the 3rd warmest on record. Seven daily temperature records were set…including the all-time record high temperature for the month of 79 degrees on the 5th. Daytime highs were balmy with 14 days in the 60’s and 70’s. Low temperatures dipped to freezing or below on only 5 days. The period was dry with only a trace of snow on the 12th.


In 1972…a protracted cold spell held an icy grip on metro Denver when maximum temperatures never reached above freezing for 10 consecutive days from the 3rd through the 12th and minimum temperatures dipped below zero on eleven consecutive days from the 5th through the 15th. Daily low temperature records were set with 15 degrees below zero on the 5th…17 degrees below zero on the 6th… And 18 degrees below zero on the 10th. Daily record low maximum readings were set with 3 degrees on the 6th and 6 degrees on the 9th. The very cold temperatures were caused by 3 to 5 inches of snow cover and a Canadian air mass.


In 1921…downslope Chinook winds produced warm temperatures in the city…which resulted in 4 temperature records. High temperatures of 72 degrees on the 13th and 68 degrees on the 15th were record maximums for the dates. Low temperatures of 47 degrees on both the 12th and 13th were record high minimums for the dates. West winds were sustained to 38 mph on the 12th and to 25 mph on the 13th.


In 1902…heavy snowfall totaled 6.4 inches in the city overnight. North winds were sustained to 18 mph with gusts to 20 mph on the 13th.

In 1925…heavy apparent post-frontal snowfall totaled 7.8 inches across downtown Denver. Northwest winds were sustained to 34 mph with gusts to 42 on the 13th… And north winds were sustained to 33 mph with gusts to 38 mph on the 14th.

In 1951…heavy snowfall totaled 5.9 inches at Stapleton Airport.

In 1987…a snowstorm dropped 2 to 8 inches of snow along the Front Range foothills. Eight to 12 inches fell just south of Denver. Icy streets and highways contributed to many traffic accidents across metro Denver and flights were delayed at Stapleton International Airport where 2.7 inches of snow fell and northeast winds gusted to 17 mph.

In 1991…high winds pummeled metro Denver. Wind gusts to 93 mph were recorded at Rollinsville. Wind speeds across metro Denver were generally 35 to 50 mph. Northwest winds gusted to 48 mph at Stapleton International Airport on the 13th.


In 1926…an intrusion of cold air resulted in temperatures remaining below zero. The high temperature of one degree below zero was a record low maximum for the date. The low temperature was 11 degrees below zero. North winds were sustained to 17 mph.

In 1985…a wind gust to 61 mph was recorded at Table Mesa in Boulder.

In 1996…high winds gusting from 60 to nearly 80 mph moved off the Front Range foothills and over the northeast Colorado plains in the wake of a fast moving cold front. The strongest wind gusts included 79 mph at Golden Gate Canyon and 70 mph near Table Mesa in southwest Boulder. At Denver International Airport…west-northwest winds gusted to only 39 mph.


In 1988…a snow storm again whitened metro Denver. Snowfall along the Front Range was in the 6 to 12 inch range. Snowfall totaled 5.8 inches at Stapleton International Airport where north winds gusted to 38 mph.

In 1990…high winds howled across metro Denver behind a strong pacific cold front. Boulder was hardest hit by the high winds. A wind gust to 120 mph was recorded in south Boulder where winds stripped the roof off a garage…a vacant gas station…and a house under construction. Elsewhere in Boulder…several trees were blown down. In Boulder canyon…the winds toppled two cinder block walls on a house under construction. Four Boulder County women were treated for injuries caused by the wind. The injuries were confined to a broken wrist…a mild concussion…bruises…and facial cuts. Two semi-tractor trailers were blown over by the fierce winds south of Boulder. Another truck rollover occurred southeast of Golden. Drivers of all three trucks suffered only cuts and bruises. Several vehicles were trapped in a blinding dust storm on the Denver-Boulder turnpike near Broomfield. Drivers were forced to stop along the highway for several minutes during the storm and witness their vehicles being pelted with sand and gravel. A wind gust to 97 mph was recorded in Golden. High winds were also reported in Arvada…Boulder…and Lakewood. Winds toppled a number of utility poles and wooden fences…blew out windows…and caused structural damage to a large apartment complex on the west side of Golden. Wind gusts of 70 to 100 mph caused considerable damage to several large billboards north of Golden…as well as damaging the paint…trim…and glass on numerous vehicles in the area. A west wind gust to 51 mph was recorded at Stapleton International Airport.

Continue reading December 14 to December 20: This Week in Denver Weather History

December 7 to December 13: This Week in Denver Weather History

This Week In Denver Weather History
December 7 to December 13: This Week in Denver Weather History

Arctic cold, heavy snow and  powerful, damaging winds are the highlights in our look back at this week in Denver weather history.

From the National Weather Service:


In 1939…more than 2 weeks of unseasonably warm weather made the month the 3rd warmest on record. Seven daily temperature records were set…including the all time record high temperature for the month of 79 degrees on the 5th. Daytime highs were balmy with 14 days in the 60’s and 70’s. Low temperatures dipped to freezing or below on only 5 days. The period was dry with only a trace of snow on the 12th.


In 1972…a protracted cold spell held an icy grip on metro Denver when maximum temperatures never reached above freezing for 10 consecutive days from the 3rd through the 12th and minimum temperatures dipped below zero on eleven consecutive days from the 5th through the 15th. Daily low temperature records were set with 15 degrees below zero on the 5th…17 degrees below zero on the 6th… And 18 degrees below zero on the 10th. Daily record low maximum readings were set with 3 degrees on the 6th and 6 degrees on the 9th. The very cold temperatures were caused by 3 to 5 inches of snow cover and a Canadian air mass.


In 1978…a major storm dumped heavy snow across metro Denver. At Stapleton International Airport…snowfall totaled 8.5 inches…northeast winds gusted to 46 mph…and temperatures plunged from a high of 49 degrees on the 5th to a low of only 6 degrees on the 6th. Maximum temperature of 6 degrees on the 7th was a new daily record low maximum reading. Most of the snow…6.7 inches…fell on the 5th.


In 1983…high winds occurred in and near the foothills each day. Wind gusts to 63 mph were registered in Golden Gate Canyon on the evening of the 5th. On the evening of the 6th…winds knocked down trees…snapped power lines…and blew out windows across metro Denver. Gusts were clocked to 102 mph in southwest metro Denver…while wind gusts to 38 mph were recorded at Stapleton International Airport. On the 7th…winds overturned a tractor trailer near Castle Rock. After midnight on the 8th…gusts to 97 mph were reported in southeast Boulder. Wind speeds of 60 to 70 mph were reported in other parts of metro Denver.


In 1953…high winds buffeted the eastern foothills. Wind gusts to 80 mph occurred on Lookout Mountain. In Denver winds gusted to 65 mph. Damage in Boulder totaled 15 hundred dollars.


In 1897…west winds were sustained to 53 mph with gusts to 66 mph. The Chinook winds warmed the temperature to a high of 62 degrees…the warmest day of the month.

In 1957…a vigorous cold front produced a dust storm as it moved south across metro Denver. West-northwest wind gusts to 59 mph were recorded at Stapleton Airport where the surface visibility was briefly reduced to 1/2 mile in blowing dust. Light snowfall of only 0.8 inch followed the passage of a secondary Canadian cold front.

In 1958…the worst wind storm in several years caused 10 thousand dollars damage in Boulder where wind gusts were estimated to 75 mph.

In 1977 winds up to 115 mph were reported in the Boulder area where one house was unroofed and another damaged. One woman was knocked down by the wind and injured. Several families were evacuated from homes in Boulder. Damage to trailers and motor vehicles was widespread. West winds gusted to 54 mph at Stapleton International Airport where the Chinook winds warmed the temperature to a high of 64 degrees.

In 1987…strong winds buffeted the Front Range foothills. A peak gust to 93 mph was recorded at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder. Nearby…a metal shed was blown over a fence into a tree two houses away. Wind gusts of 70 to 80 mph were common in Boulder.

In 1988…4 to 8 inches of snow fell across metro Denver and caused traffic gridlock conditions on area highways. The 3.9 inches of snow at Stapleton International Airport caused two-hour flight delays. Northeast winds gusted to 25 mph.

In 2005…a brief cold snap resulted in record breaking temperatures. The low temperature of 13 degrees below zero was a record minimum for the date. The high temperature of only 3 degrees was a record low maximum for the date. The cold temperatures were accompanied by 1.4 inches of light snow that was measured at Denver Stapleton overnight on the 6th and 7th.


In 1919…an apparent arctic cold front brought extreme cold and light snow to the city. Snowfall totaled only 2.5 inches on the 7th and 8th. Temperatures dipped to lows of 14 degrees below zero on the 8th and to 20 degrees below zero on the 9th. Both readings were daily record minimums. High temperatures were only 4 degrees on the 8th and 7 degrees on the 9th.

In 1923…a major storm dumped 13.5 inches of snowfall on downtown Denver. The apparent post-frontal snowfall started during the late afternoon of the 7th and continued through the evening of the 9th. Temperatures dipped from a high of 66 degrees on the 7th with west winds sustained to 35 mph to a low of only 14 degrees on the 9th…with north winds sustained to 25 mph.


In 1880…severe winds buffeted the eastern foothills…causing some damage in Boulder.

In 1987…high winds damaged a chimney and roof of a house near Bergen Park in the foothills west of Denver. Gusts were estimated to 70 mph. Northwest winds gusted to 33 mph at Stapleton International Airport.


In 1943…4.5 inches of snow fell in downtown Denver. This was the only measurable snow of the month. North winds were sustained to 26 mph on the 8th.

In 2003…snowfall totaled 3 to 6 inches across metro Denver. Snowfall was heavier in and near the foothills with 8.0 inches measured in Boulder and 10 miles southwest of Sedalia. Snowfall was 3.9 inches at the site of the former Stapleton International Airport. Most of the snow fell on the 8th…as the snow ended shortly after midnight. North winds gusted to 29 mph at Denver International Airport.

In 2008…an upslope snowstorm produced heavy snow in and near the foothills of Boulder…Jefferson and Douglas counties… And along the palmer divide south of Denver. Storm totals in the foothills ranged from 8 to 15 inches. In Boulder and in areas west and south of Denver…storm totals ranged from 6 to 13 inches. The snowfall measurement at Denver International Airport was 3.9 inches.

Continue reading December 7 to December 13: This Week in Denver Weather History

November 23 to November 29: This Week in Denver Weather History

This Week In Denver Weather History
November 23 to November 29: This Week in Denver Weather History

In our look back at this week in Denver weather history one theme seems to recur more than any other: wind. Powerful wind events dominate the notable events with many causing significant damage.

From the National Weather Service:


In 1918…post-frontal snowfall totaled 5.9 inches in downtown Denver. Most of the snow…5.3 inches…fell on the 22nd. North winds were sustained to 20 mph on the 21st.

In 1931…a major storm dumped a total of 13.2 inches of snowfall over downtown Denver. Most of the snow…11.4 inches…fell on the 21st. A very cold air mass settled over the city after the heavy snow on the 21st. After a low temperature of zero…the temperature climbed to a high of only 5 degrees on the 22nd…a record low maximum for the date.


In 1952…snowfall of 6.2 inches was measured at Stapleton Airport where northeast winds gusted to 17 mph on the 21st.


In 1953…strong winds raked Boulder causing 18 thousand dollars in damage. Wind gusts to 80 mph were recorded at Valmont and estimated to 80 mph at the Boulder airport.


In 1899…a trace of snow fell in the city. This…together with a trace of precipitation on the 16th and 21st…was the only precipitation of the month…making the month the driest on record. The record was equaled in November of 1901 and 1949. This trace of snow along with a trace of snow on the 21st was the only snow of the month…ranking the month the 2nd least snowiest on record. This record was equaled in November of 1884…1901…1905…1917…and 1939.

In 1901…northwest winds were sustained to 45 mph with gusts to 53 mph. The Chinook winds warmed the temperature to a high of 70 degrees.

In 1910…west winds were sustained to 42 mph. The Chinook winds warmed the temperature to a high of 67 degrees.

In 1959…west-northwest winds gusted to 56 mph…briefly reducing the visibility to 3 miles in blowing dust at Stapleton Airport.

In 1998…winds…estimated as high as 58 mph…caused several wood trusses installed in a police station under construction in Castle Rock to collapse. A construction worker on the roof received minor injuries when he was struck by one of the trusses. Southeast winds gusted to 38 mph at Denver International Airport.


In 1992…a pre-Thanksgiving blizzard belted metro Denver. Gusty north to northeast winds at 30 to 40 mph caused near-whiteout conditions as visibilities were often below 1/4 mile. The strong winds drove snow into drifts of more than 4 feet. Hundreds of holiday travelers were stranded when airlines canceled flights at Stapleton International Airport where snowfall totaled 7.6 inches and north winds gusted to 37 mph. Blizzard conditions began around mid- morning on the 23rd and ended by mid-afternoon…but heavy snow fell through the night. Snowfall totaled: 12 inches at Conifer…Morrison…and Wheat Ridge; 19 inches at Littleton; 16 inches at Castle Rock; 9 inches in Brighton; 8 inches in Aurora; and 6 inches in Parker.

In 1993…a moist upper level disturbance dumped heavy snow over most of Colorado. Snowfall amounts averaged 5 to 8 inches across metro Denver. Snowfall totaled 4.6 inches at Stapleton International Airport where northeast winds gusted to only 20 mph on the 23rd. The very cold air mass caused the temperature to dip to a record low of 8 degrees below zero on the 24th. The temperature that day climbed to only 9 degrees…also setting a record low maximum for the date.


In 1915…Chinook winds from the southwest sustained to 40 mph with gusts to 46 mph warmed the temperature to a high of 61 degrees. It was windy most of the day.

In 1949…the low temperature dipped to 56 degrees…the all-time record highest minimum temperature ever recorded during the month of November.

In 1960…violent wind gusts caused some damage in Boulder. West winds gusted to only 22 mph at Stapleton Airport.

In 1980…a snow storm brought 3 to 6 inches of snow across metro Denver. At Stapleton International Airport…only 2.1 inches of snow fell.

In 1989…high winds were recorded in Boulder with a gust to 64 mph. West winds gusted to only 24 mph at Stapleton International Airport.


In 1908…heavy snowfall totaled 7.0 inches over downtown Denver overnight. North winds were sustained to 15 mph.

In 1930 strong winds raked the Front Range eastern foothills. Winds gusted to 40 mph at Valmont just east of Boulder where minor damage occurred.

In 1970…strong Chinook winds warmed Boulder. At the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder…wind gusts reached 97 mph…while in downtown Boulder winds peaked to 69 mph. Some minor damage occurred. Northwest winds gusted to 39 mph at Stapleton International Airport…and the high temperature warmed to 76 degrees on the 25th…setting a new record maximum for the date.


In 1877…northwest winds were sustained to 50 mph.

In 1902…northwest winds were sustained to 45 mph with gusts to 48 mph. The strong apparent bora winds warmed the temperature to a high of only 45 degrees.

In 1943…snowfall of 4.0 inches was the only measurable snow of the month. North winds were sustained to 17 mph.

In 1958…strong pre-frontal Chinook winds struck Boulder and the eastern foothills. A wind gust to 100 mph was recorded northwest of Denver. A gust to 88 mph occurred at Rocky Flats south of Boulder. The windstorm caused considerable structural damage to residential sections of north metro Denver.

In 1959…strong winds raked the eastern foothills including Boulder and Eldorado Springs. Wind gusts to 100 mph were estimated at the Matterhorn restaurant located atop Rocky Flats south of Boulder.

In 1993…a wind gust to 99 mph was recorded atop Squaw Mountain near Idaho Springs.

In 1998…strong winds developed over portions of the Front Range foothills for a brief time following the passage of a weak upper level disturbance. A wind gust to 71 mph was measured atop Blue Mountain near Coal Creek Canyon.

In 1999…strong Chinook winds developed in and near the foothills. Peak wind reports included 100 mph at the Eldora ski resort and 77 mph at the National Center for Atmospheric Research mesa lab above Boulder. West winds gusted to 38 mph at Denver International Airport.

In 2010…high winds developed in the foothills of Boulder County. A gust to 75 mph occurred 5 miles northwest of Boulder with a gust to 72 mph at the National Center for Atmospheric Research mesa lab above Boulder. West winds gusted to 24 mph at Denver International Airport.

Continue reading November 23 to November 29: This Week in Denver Weather History

November 16 to November 22: This Week in Denver Weather History

This Week In Denver Weather History
November 16 to November 22: This Week in Denver Weather History

Snow certainly is common this time of year and we see many notable events featuring the white stuff in our look back at this week in Denver weather history. More prevalent however are significant wind events.

From the National Weather Service:


In 1964…the first measurable snowfall of the season totaled 6.0 inches at Stapleton International Airport where northeast winds gusted to 32 mph on the 14th. Most of the snow…4.2 inches…fell on the 14th. This was the only measurable snow of the month.


In 1894…winds behind an apparent strong cold front were sustained to 60 mph with gusts to 75 mph on the 15th. Snowfall totaled 2.6 inches in the city. Temperatures plunged from a high of 72 degrees on the 15th to a low of only 5 degrees on the 16th. The high temperature on the 16th was 24 degrees…which occurred shortly after midnight.

In 1996…around a foot of new snow fell in the foothills west of Denver with 3 to 6 inches at lower elevations across metro Denver. Some of the snowfall totals included: 15 inches at Georgetown…12 inches at Idaho Springs…10 inches at Chief Hosa…and 9 inches in Coal Creek Canyon. Snowfall totaled 2.9 inches at the site of the former Stapleton International Airport. Northeast winds gusted to 23 mph at Denver International Airport on the 16th.


In 1991…a strong winter storm dumped heavy snow over metro Denver. Snowfall amounts totaled 15 inches at Castle Rock and Conifer…14 inches at Morrison and Parker…12 inches in southeast Aurora…and 11.6 inches at Stapleton International Airport. Winds were light with the storm.

In 1899…a trace of rain fell in the city. This…together with a trace of precipitation on the 21st and 23rd…was the only precipitation of the month…making the month the driest on record. The record was equaled in November of 1901 and 1949.

In 1926…rain changed to snow behind a cold front and totaled 2.0 inches. North winds were sustained to 48 mph with gusts as high as 54 mph.

In 1930…strong winds occurred in Boulder causing minor damage. At Valmont just east of Boulder…winds gusted to 52 mph. West winds were sustained to 37 mph with gusts to 46 mph in downtown Denver.

In 1948…a west-northwest wind gust to 50 mph was recorded at Stapleton Airport.


In 2010…the combination of heavy snow and strong winds produced dangerous driving conditions in the high country. Blizzard conditions forced the closure of U.S. Highway 6 at Loveland pass and U.S. Highway 40 at Berthoud Pass. Blowing and drifting snow forced the closure of a 65-mile stretch of Interstate 70…west of Idaho Springs. Peak wind gusts included: 68 mph atop Niwot Ridge…55 mph near Blackhawk and Gunsight…and 52 mph at Berthoud Pass. Storm totals in the ski areas west of Denver ranged from 12 to 21 inches. Northwest winds gusted to 55 mph at Denver International Airport on the 16th.


In 1921…heavy snowfall totaled 6.5 inches over downtown Denver. This was the only measurable snow of the month. East winds were sustained to 14 mph on the 17th.


In 1948…a dry vigorous cold front accompanied by north winds gusting to 60 mph produced extensive blowing dust…which briefly reduced the visibility to 1/2 mile at Stapleton Airport.

In 1993…a wind gust to 70 mph was recorded atop Squaw Mountain near Idaho Springs.

In 1994…winds gusted to 66 mph in Boulder and to 63 mph on Rocky Flats south of Boulder. West winds gusted to 49 mph at Stapleton International Airport.

In 2000…snow fell in the foothills west of Denver…mainly south of the I-70 corridor. Snowfall totals included: 8.5 inches…7 miles south of Tiny Town; 6 inches at Genesee; and 5 inches…11 miles southwest of Morrison. Only a trace of snow was recorded at the site of the former Stapleton International Airport.


In 1869…the heaviest wind storm in 5 or 6 years raked the eastern foothills including Boulder…Denver…Georgetown… And Golden. Some hundreds of dollars in damage occurred in Boulder.


In 1872…fresh west winds contributed to the relative humidity dipping to zero at 2:43 pm. The maximum temperature was 54 degrees.

In 1907…heavy snowfall totaled 6.0 inches over downtown Denver. Snow fell all day. North winds were sustained to 19 mph.

In 1915…northwest winds were sustained to 42 mph with gusts as high as 48 mph. It was windy most of the day.

In 1996…high winds struck the foothills west of Denver. Wind gusts ranged from 70 to 75 mph. A few power lines were downed…but no major outages were reported.

In 1998…strong downslope winds developed during the morning. Wind gusts reached a peak of 72 mph at Jefferson County Airport near Broomfield. West winds gusted to 41 mph at Denver International Airport.

In 1999…high winds developed in and near the Front Range foothills. The strong winds downed power lines…which sparked several small brush fires. In Broomfield… Scaffolding was damaged at the Wadsworth Recreation Center…while flying rocks broke several windows at a local bank building. Peak wind gusts included: 91 mph atop Blue Mountain near Wondervu…88 mph atop the Gamow Tower on the University of Colorado campus in Boulder… 83 mph at Jefferson County Airport…81 mph at the National Center for Atmospheric Research mesa lab above Boulder…and 80 mph at Wondervu. West-northwest winds gusted to 48 mph at Denver International Airport.

Continue reading November 16 to November 22: This Week in Denver Weather History

November 9 to November 15: This Week in Denver Weather History

This Week In Denver Weather History
November 9 to November 15: This Week in Denver Weather History

As we ready for a major change from above normal temperatures to bitter cold, our look back at this week in Denver weather history shows that extreme weather this time of year is not particularly unusual.

From the National Weather Service:


In 1897…west winds were sustained to 45 mph with gusts as high as 50 mph in the city.

In 1919…post-frontal heavy snowfall totaled 8.4 inches over downtown Denver. Most of the snow…6.6 inches…fell on the 9th. North winds were sustained to 26 mph with gusts to 30 mph on the 8th.

In 1950…a major winter storm dumped 10.4 inches of snow at Stapleton Airport with the most snow…7.8 inches…falling on the 8th. East winds gusted to 31 mph at Stapleton Airport on the 8th. Snowfall totaled 8.2 inches in downtown Denver.

In 1958…strong winds caused some damage in Boulder. West- northwest winds gusted to 40 mph at Stapleton Airport on the 8th.

In 1975…heavy snowfall hit metro Denver. Snowfall at Stapleton International Airport totaled 8.0 inches and east winds gusted to 21 mph. Power outages caused by the storm affected over 10 thousand people in metro Denver. In the foothills west of Denver…10 to 15 inches of snow fell. The storm produced the greatest 24-hour precipitation…1.29 inches…ever recorded during the month of November in the city.

In 1983…metro Denver received 4 to 8 inches of snow with the heaviest amounts near the foothills. It was the first measurable snow of the season in Denver. Only 1.8 inches of snow fell at Stapleton International Airport where north winds gusted to 20 mph.

In 1989…strong winds hit the Front Range. On the 9th…the wooden frame of a house under construction in Boulder was blown down. The previous evening a power outage blackened Nederland. Wind gusts to 95 mph were recorded 4 miles south of Rollinsville with 97 mph on Fritz Peak near that town. At Stapleton International Airport…northwest winds gusted to 45 mph on the 8th and to 38 mph on the 9th.

In 1998…another upslope snow event developed in the Front Range foothills. The heaviest snowfall occurred in west central Jefferson County where 14 inches were measured 8 miles west of Conifer. Other snowfall totals included: 10 inches at Evergreen and 9 miles northwest of Bergen Park; 9 inches at Genesee…Nederland…and near the Chief Hosa exit on I-70; and 8 inches in Coal Creek Canyon. On the 9th…snowfall was 2.6 inches at the site of the former Stapleton International Airport. North-northeast winds gusted to 30 mph at Denver International Airport on the 9th.


In 1985…Indian summer came to an abrupt end when a winter storm dumped 10 to 18 inches of snow in the Front Range foothills and 6 to 10 inches across metro Denver…snarling traffic and causing flight delays of up to 3 hours at Stapleton International Airport. The temperature plunged from a high of 66 degrees on the 8th to a low of only 13 degrees on the 9th…after the passage of a vigorous cold front with northeast winds gusting to 32 mph. The temperature climbed to only 19 degrees on the 10th…setting a record low maximum for the date. Snowfall totaled 7.3 inches at Stapleton International Airport with most of the snow…7.1 inches…falling on the 9th.


In 1939…a trace of snow fell over downtown Denver. This snow…along with a trace of snow on the 2nd…was the only snow of the month…ranking it…along with other months…the second least snowiest November on record. Precipitation of 0.01 inch was the only precipitation of the month…making this the second driest November on record.

In 1944…the first killing frost of the season occurred in the city when the low temperature dipped to 35 degrees. This is the latest date for a killing frost ever recorded in Denver.

In 1946…heavy snowfall totaled 7.7 inches over downtown Denver. This was the second heavy snowfall in less than a week. Northwest winds were sustained to 26 mph.

In 1995…strong downslope winds gusted between 50 and 57 mph at Erie and Boulder. West wind gusts to 44 mph were recorded at Denver International Airport.


In 1897…west Chinook winds sustained to 51 mph with gusts to 60 mph warmed the temperature to a high of 64 degrees.

In 1915…southwest winds were sustained to 41 mph with gusts as high as 44 mph.

In 1955…strong winds raked the eastern foothills. A wind gust to 80 mph was recorded atop Rocky Flats south of Boulder where some damage occurred.

In 1995…snowfall totaled 6 to 9 inches in the foothills west of Denver…while only 2.2 inches of snow fell at the site of the former Stapleton International Airport. North-northeast winds gusted to 31 mph at Denver International Airport.

In 1998…strong bora winds gusting from 70 to 92 mph coupled with blowing snow created whiteout and slick black ice conditions at the base of the foothills west of Denver. State Highway 93 between Golden and Boulder and C-470… Near the Morrison interchange were closed for several hours due to multiple car accidents. Dozens of motorists were stranded until weather conditions improved. A small motor home was a total loss when it caught fire after being blown on its side by strong crosswinds. A man was injured when he was blown off a vehicle while attempting to rescue the occupants. Wind gusts included: 92 mph atop Blue Mountain near Coal Creek Canyon…83 mph atop Fritz Peak near Rollinsville…and 77 mph at Jefferson County Airport near Broomfield. West winds gusted to 36 mph at Denver International Airport.

In 2000…freezing drizzle was widespread across northeastern Colorado with the heaviest amounts near the foothills in the evening. The freezing drizzle made many highways icy and slick…which contributed to a number of traffic accidents. Some highways across metro Denver were closed at times…including portions of State Highway 119 between Boulder and Longmont and U.S. 36 between Westminster and Boulder. State Highway 93 between Boulder and Golden atop Rocky Flats became nearly impassable due to a coating of ice by late evening.

Continue reading November 9 to November 15: This Week in Denver Weather History

November 2 to November 8: This Week in Denver Weather History

This Week In Denver Weather History
November 2 to November 8: This Week in Denver Weather History

Snow and wind are recurring themes in our look back at this week in Denver weather history. Among the more notable events are a four-day snowstorm in 1946 that dumped an astounding 31 inches of snow on the city.

From the National Weather Service:


In 1892…snowfall totaled 5.0 inches in downtown Denver. This was the only snow of the month.

In 1956…heavy snowfall totaled 7.0 inches at Stapleton Airport. The storm was accompanied by much blowing and drifting snow. North winds gusted to 47 mph.

In 1991…the storm system which hit the Front Range at the end of October finished the job during the start of November. Six inches of new snow were recorded at both Rollinsville and Morrison…while 2.9 inches of snow fell at Stapleton International Airport where northeast winds gusted to 17 mph. The temperature climbed to a high of only 19 degrees on the 2nd…setting a record low maximum for the date.

In 1995…a winter storm dropped 5 to 8 inches of snow in the Front Range foothills. The exception was at Golden Gate Canyon where a foot of new snow was measured. Icy roads…fog…and blowing snow along I-70 in the foothills west of Denver caused dozens of accidents. One man was killed when he lost control of his vehicle and was ejected when his truck hit a median and rolled over. At least 20 other accidents involved minor injuries. Only 1.0 inch of snow fell at the site of the former Stapleton International Airport where some freezing rain also fell.


In 1939…a trace of snow fell over downtown Denver. This snow…along with a trace of snow on the 9th…was the only snow of the month…ranking it…along with other months…the second least snowiest November on record.

In 1967…post-cold frontal heavy snowfall totaled 6.2 inches at Stapleton International Airport where north winds gusted to 29 mph…briefly reducing the visibility to 1/8 mile.

In 1992…the first major snowfall of the season dumped 4.6 inches of snow at Stapleton International Airport where north winds gusted to 26 mph. Heavier amounts of snow fell in and near the foothills with 8 inches at Conifer… Empire…and Bailey…6 inches at Rollinsville and Golden Gate Canyon…and 4 inches at Morrison and Wheat Ridge.

In 2011…a storm system brought another around of moderate to heavy snow to the region. Areas in and near the Front Range foothills and Palmer Divide were hit the hardest. Gusty winds also produced blizzard conditions at times along the Palmer Divide. In addition…the snow and blowing snow forced several school closures in Douglas and Weld counties. Snow drifts…from 1 to 3 feet deep were reported in the northern portion of Douglas and Elbert counties. Storm totals included: 14 inches…4 miles south of Boulder and 12.5 miles northwest of Golden…13 inches… 5 miles east-southeast of Aspen Springs; 12 inches near Allenspark and Parker; 11 inches…6 miles southwest of Castle Rock…Genesee…9 miles north-northeast of Elizabeth…10 inches…10 miles south-southeast of Buckley AFB. At the National Weather Service in Boulder… 7.9 inches of snow was recorded…with 4.5 inches observed at Denver International Airport.


In 1974…heavy snowfall totaled 6.1 inches at Stapleton International Airport where north winds gusted to 23 mph on the 3rd. Most of the snow fell on the 3rd. Maximum snow depth on the ground was 5 inches.

In 1990…a winter storm dumped 3 to 8 inches of heavy wet snow across metro Denver. In the foothills snow amounts ranged from 4 to 10 inches. Slushy snow and ice-covered roads snarled traffic. The snow…ice…and poor visibilities were blamed for numerous traffic accidents. Low clouds… Fog…and snow delayed air traffic at Stapleton International Airport for at least 90 minutes on the afternoon of the 2nd. Snowfall totaled 5.4 inches at Stapleton International Airport where north winds gusted to 21 mph.


In 1946…a major snow storm dumped 30.4 inches of heavy snowfall downtown and 31.0 inches at Stapleton Airport. The winter storm closed schools and disrupted all forms of transportation in the city. The greatest depth of snow on the ground was 28 inches at the airport. The duration of the snowfall…from 4:22 am on the 2nd to 3:08 am on the 5th… A total of 70 hours and 46 minutes…is the second longest period of continuous precipitation on record and the second heaviest snowfall of record at the time in Denver. The 17.7 inches of snowfall on the 2nd and 3rd was the greatest 24- hour snowfall ever recorded during the month of November. Buses and street cars had a difficult time…and many cars were abandoned along roadsides and streets for several days. Secondary roads in rural areas were blocked for 2 to 3 weeks. Several buildings in the city collapsed or were damaged from the weight of the heavy snow. Football games were canceled. Livestock losses were high over eastern Colorado. The precipitation from this storm alone exceeded the greatest amount ever recorded in Denver during the entire month of November previously. The precipitation recorded downtown was 2.03 inches…and the previous record for the entire month of November was 1.95 inches in 1922. North winds were sustained to 26 mph on the 2nd.


In 1940…the longest period without snow…200 days…ended on this date with the first snow of the season…a trace…on November 4…1940. The last snow of the previous season… Also a trace…occurred on April 17…1940.

In 1959…a rare thunderstorm in November occurred around sunrise. Rainfall measured only 0.02 inch at Stapleton Airport.

In 1993…periodic high winds buffeted the foothills west of Denver. Wind gusts to 90 mph were recorded at Rollinsville in the foothills southwest of Boulder…while gusts to 85 mph were observed atop Squaw Mountain near Idaho Springs. West winds gusted to 37 mph at Stapleton International Airport.

In 1996…a rare November thunderstorm during the early evening produced 0.10 inch of rain at Denver International Airport and only 0.06 inch of rain at the site of the former Stapleton International Airport.

In 2005…strong winds developed over the urban corridor. While the damaging winds were in the Fort Collins area… High winds also developed to the south of Denver in Douglas County. Peak wind reports included 70 mph at Franktown…65 mph in Castle Rock…and 61 mph in Sedalia. West winds gusting as high as 47 mph warmed the temperature to a high of 69 degrees at Denver International Airport. Winds were strong and gusty for most of the daytime hours across metro Denver.


In 1994…a fast moving snow storm dumped 8 to 9 inches of snow on Boulder…Broomfield…and Lafayette. Snowfall totaled only 1.8 inches at Stapleton International Airport where on the 3rd east winds gusted to 20 mph and some freezing drizzle fell.

Continue reading November 2 to November 8: This Week in Denver Weather History

October 26 to November 1: This Week in Denver Weather History

This Week In Denver Weather History
October 26 to November 1: This Week in Denver Weather History

Wind can be one of the most frustrating weather conditions to experience and our look back at this week in Denver weather history shows the period has seen more than its fair share. Also notable are many significant snow events that have occurred in the Mile High City over the seven day period.

From the National Weather Service:


In 2010…very strong winds during the day knocked down power lines in parts of Boulder. The downed electrical lines sparked a small brush fire near Columbine Elementary School. Strong wind gusts also damaged the tennis bubble at the Millennium Harvest House. In Northglenn, a tree was knocked down and caused minor damage to a mini-van parked nearby. Peak wind gusts included: 70 mph at Berthoud…67 mph at Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport in Broomfield… 63 mph at the Rocky Flats National Wind Technology Center and 59 mph at the NCAR Mesa Laboratory…3 miles southwest of Boulder. West winds gusted to 43 mph at Denver International Airport.

In 2011…a powerful early season storm brought heavy snow to the Front Range and adjacent plains. The heavy…wet snow caused extensive downed large branches and in some cases…entire trees. Massive power outages occurred from Fort Collins and Greeley south to Denver and the surrounding metro area. Most of the trees still had their leaves…which helped to catch snow and down trees under the weight of the moisture laden snow. Nearly two hundred thousand utility customers along the Front Range were without heat and electricity for several hours. The Red Cross opened four temporary shelters overnight until the power could be restored. The outages also forced the closure of the Boulder Criminal Justice Center the following day. The fallen trees and branches also caused extensive property damage to roofs and automobiles. In the Front Range mountains and foothills…storm totals included 19.8 inches…3 miles west of Jamestown; 18 inches…5 miles west of copper; 13 inches…3 miles north of Blackhawk and 3 miles south of Evergreen…4 miles east-northeast of Nederland and Lake Eldora; 12 inches at Berthoud SNOTEL. Across the urban corridor storm totals included: 11.5 inches in Boulder; 9.5 inches at the national weather service in Boulder; 9 inches…1 mile southwest of Westminster; 8.5 inches in Broomfield… Denver International Airport…Frederick and Louisville; 8 inches in Aurora…7 inches in Watkins; with 6 inches in Arvada.


In 1996…4 to 6 inches of snow fell in the foothills west of Denver. Only 1.5 inches of snowfall were measured at the site of the former Stapleton International Airport on the 26th. This was the only measurable snow of the month at the site. The snowfall produced icy and snowpacked highways…which resulted in a 50-to 60-car pileup on I-25 south of metro Denver. West winds gusted to 33 mph at Denver International Airport.

In 2006…a winter storm brought heavy snowfall to metro Denver and the eastern foothills. Total snowfall ranged from 12 to 22 inches over the higher terrain and 6 to 12 inches across metro Denver. Northerly winds at sustained speeds of 20 to 30 mph with gusts as high as 47 mph at Denver International Airport whipped the snow into drifts 3 to 4 feet deep. Many tree limbs snapped under the weight of the heavy…wet snow which also downed power lines… Leaving thousands of residents without power. Storm total snowfall included: 25 inches near Aspen Springs…Conifer… And Evergreen; 23.5 inches near Rollinsville; 23 inches in Idaho Springs; 22.5 inches near Blackhawk; 21.5 inches near Bailey; 19 inches near Bergen Park; 18 inches near Aspen Springs…Genesee…and Jamestown; 17 inches southwest of Boulder; 16 inches in Evergreen; and 15 inches near Georgetown and Perry Park. Snowfall totaled 5.3 inches in the Denver Stapleton area. At Denver International Aiport…rain…including a thunderstorm…changed to snow on the evening of the 25th after a high temperature of 70 degrees.

In 2010…a storm system brought heavy snow to the mountains west of Denver. Storm totals included: 24 inches at the Eisenhower Tunnel…18 inches at Loveland Ski Area; with 16 inches at Arapahoe basin.


In 1897…a major storm dumped 13.5 inches of snowfall over downtown Denver. Rain changed to snow during the evening of the 25th and continued through mid-morning of the 27th. Most of the snow…12.0 inches…fell on the 26th when north winds were sustained to 36 mph and gusts were as high as 46 mph. Temperatures during the storm were in the 20’s and lower 30’s. Precipitation (rain and melted snow) totaled 1.21 inches.

Continue reading October 26 to November 1: This Week in Denver Weather History

October 19 to October 25: This Week in Denver Weather History

This Week In Denver Weather History
October 19 to October 25: This Week in Denver Weather History

As we enter the latter half of October, wintry weather stands a better chance of occurring. Our look back at this week in Denver weather history shows many snowy events including a record-setting storm in 1997 that dumped nearly 22 inches on the Mile High City.

From the National Weather Service:


In 1908…a moist…heavy…wet snowfall totaled 13.0 inches in downtown Denver over the 3 days. Rain from early morning on the 17th changed to snow by late afternoon and continued through the late morning of the 19th. Due to temperatures in the 30’s and melting…the most snow on the ground was only 5.0 inches at 6:00 pm on the 18th. Northwest to northeast winds were sustained between 12 and 20 mph during the storm. Precipitation totaled 1.82 inches.


In 2003…an extended warm spell resulted in 5 new temperature records. The high temperature of 84 degrees on the 18th equaled the record high for the date. High temperatures of 86 degrees on the 19th…83 degrees on the 21st…and 84 degrees on the 22nd were record highs for the dates. Low temperature of 49 degrees on the 23rd was a record high minimum for the date. Low temperatures during the period were in the 40’s and lower 50’s.


In 1887…northwest winds sustained to 42 mph were recorded in the city.

In 1982…3 to 6 inches of snow fell over northwest metro Denver…including Boulder. Only 1.2 inches of snowfall were recorded at Stapleton International Airport where north winds gusted to 35 mph. This was the first measurable snowfall of the season.


In 1990…an early winter storm dumped heavy snow across metro Denver. Snowfall amounts ranged from 4 to 8 inches in the foothills above 6500 feet elevation…4 to 7 inches in the Castle Rock area…and 2 to 5 inches across most of metro Denver and Boulder. Snowfall totaled 3.6 inches at Stapleton International Airport where northwest winds gusting to 48 mph kicked up some blowing dust shortly after a cold frontal passage on the 19th. However… Temperatures were warm enough to keep most roadways wet and slushy at lower elevations.


In 1906…heavy snowfall totaled 22.7 inches in the city over the 5 days. Rain changed to snow on the evening of the 19th…and snow continued through the late afternoon of the 23rd. The heaviest amount of snowfall…16.0 inches…fell from 8:00 pm on the 20th to 8:00 pm on the 22nd. The most snow on the ground was 13.3 inches on the evening of the 23rd. This was the first snow of the season and the only snow of the month. Winds during the storm were from the north at sustained speeds of 20 to 30 mph each day. Temperatures during the storm were generally in the 20’s.


In 1878…between 3:00 pm and 4:00 pm wind speeds averaged 48 mph with a maximum 1 minute sustained velocity to 96 mph at both 3:27 pm and 3:48 pm in downtown Denver. This is the highest sustained wind speed ever recorded in the city.

In 1986…a rare late October thunderstorm produced 3/4 inch diameter hail at Centennial Airport. Hail piled up 2 1/2 inches deep…causing some street flooding in south metro Denver.


In 2007…a storm system brought heavy snow to the southern Denver suburbs as well as the Palmer Divide south of Denver. Storm totals included: 7.5 inches near Castle Rock…Lone Tree and Greenwood Village…with 6.5 inches at Elizabeth. Snow drifts up to 2 feet deep were observed 6 miles south-southwest of Elizabeth. In the Denver Stapleton area…2.0 inches of snow was observed.

In 2009…heavy snow developed along the palmer divide south and southeast of Denver as a storm system tracked across southern Colorado and northern New Mexico. Storm totals included: 15 inches…15 miles north of Elizabeth…9 inches…5 miles south-southwest of Arapahoe Park; 8 inches in Highlands Ranch…5 miles south- southeast of Sedalia; 6.5 inches…8 miles southwest of Bennett and 6 inches in Parker. At Denver International… Only 1.5 inches of snowfall was observed.

Continue reading October 19 to October 25: This Week in Denver Weather History