Tag Archives: February weather

January 27 to February 2: This Week in Denver Weather History

This Week In Denver Weather History
January 27 to February 2: This Week in Denver Weather History

High wind and heavy snow events dominate our look back at this week in Denver weather history. Most notable is a major snowstorm just last year that helped to provide at least some relief from tinder dry conditions. Hopefully we can see some of that this year!

From the National Weather Service:


In 1897…a cold spell resulted in three temperature records. Low temperature of 14 degrees below zero on the 27th was a record minimum for the date. High temperatures of only 3 degrees on the 25th and 2 degrees on the 26th were record low maximums for the dates. Very light snow or flurries fell on the 25th and 26th at times.


In 1944…heavy snowfall totaled 8.0 inches in downtown Denver. Most of the snow…7.0 inches…occurred on the 26th when northwest winds were sustained to 17 mph.

In 1973…at Stapleton International Airport…only 3.8 inches of snowfall were measured and north winds gusted to 40 mph causing some blowing snow…while over the Colorado eastern plains heavy snow accompanied by high winds created widespread blizzard conditions closing many highways.

In 1994…the combination of an upper level storm system and moist upslope winds brought heavy snow and cold temperatures to metro Denver and much of eastern Colorado. Snowfall across metro Denver averaged 5 to 7 inches. Snowfall totaled 3.8 inches at Stapleton International Airport where east winds gusted to 21 mph on the 26th.

In 2000…snow…heavy in the mountains…spread over the foothills and metro Denver. Eight inches of snow were measured at Bergen Park and near Evergreen. Snowfall totaled 3.8 inches at the site of the former Stapleton International Airport.


In 1888…a protracted warm spell lasted a week. Maximum temperatures ranged from 62 degrees on the 29th to an all-time record high for the month of 76 degrees on the 27th. Daily record high temperatures of 76…69…and 71 occurred on the 27th…28th…and 30th respectively. Record high minimum temperatures of 47 and 34 occurred on the 26th and 27th.


In 1888…the highest recorded temperature in January…76 degrees…occurred.

In 1967…strong winds caused a power outage in Boulder.

In 1984…this was the last day of 63 consecutive days with snow cover of one inch or more in Denver. This longest period of snow cover on record began with the Thanksgiving weekend blizzard on November 26-27…1983… When 21.5 inches of snow fell at Stapleton International Airport. Additional snowfall during December and January prolonged the event. Snow depth on the ground to the nearest inch was measured once daily at 5:00 am MST.


In 1899…snowfall totaled 6.2 inches in the city. Northeast winds were sustained to 36 mph with gusts to 40 mph on the 28th.

In 1965…high winds raked the Front Range foothills. West winds gusted to 89 mph on Table Mountain in Boulder…87 mph at Rocky Flats…and 54 mph at Stapleton International Airport. Damage and minor injuries occurred in Boulder and western metro Denver. Four men were injured by wind- caused accidents while working on construction…2 in Denver and 2 in Boulder. There was extensive damage to power lines… Buildings…signs…and trees. Some minor accidents were caused by blowing dust and debris. Blown dust accumulated 2 to 3 feet deep on some lawns in northern metro Denver suburbs. Dust blew into buildings and homes.

In 1989…the heaviest snowstorm of the winter dumped 9 to 15 inches of snow across metro Denver. Snowfall totaled 8.8 inches at Stapleton International Airport with most of the snow…8.6 inches…falling on the 28th. Strong north winds gusting to 46 mph whipped the snow into 2-foot drifts and reduced visibility in blowing snow. The foothills received up to 18 inches of snow. The snow fell on a weekend…so closures and other disruptions were minimal. The public reported thunder in Arvada…Wheat Ridge…and Boulder on the evening of the 27th. A thunderstorm produced snow pellets at Stapleton International Airport during the early morning hours of the 28th. This was the first thunderstorm in the city during January since 1932.

In 1996…winds to hurricane force were reported across the Front Range foothills in the wake of a pacific storm system. Recorded wind speeds included: 86 mph at the National Center for Atmospheric Research southwest of Boulder…86 mph atop Squaw Mountain west of Denver…and 75 mph at Jefferson County Airport in Broomfield. West-northwest winds gusted to 48 mph at Denver International Airport on the 28th.

In 2009…high winds buffeted the foothills of Boulder and Jefferson counties. Peak wind gusts included: 101 mph at Eldora Ski Resort…100 mph…6 miles northwest of Boulder; 84 mph at NCAR Mesa Lab…79 mph…5 miles northwest of Boulder; and 75 mph at the national wind technology center. In Nederland…a wind turbine recently installed was damaged by the high winds. A peak wind gust of 38 mph occurred at Denver International Airport on the 28th.


In 1951…a major storm dumped 10.1 inches of snowfall at Stapleton Airport. Most of the snow…8.3 inches…fell on the 29th. Cold arctic air accompanied the snow. Several temperature records were set…including record low maximum temperatures of 4 on the 28th and 4 below zero on the 29th and record low temperatures of 12 below zero on the 29th and 24 below zero on the 31st. Temperatures were below zero for 45 consecutive hours.

Continue reading January 27 to February 2: This Week in Denver Weather History

February 26 to March 3 – This Week in Denver Weather History

February 26 to March 3 - This Week in Denver Weather History
February 26 to March 3 - This Week in Denver Weather History

In the past week Denver has seen its fair share of wind and snow and looking back at this week in Denver weather history, we see both are common conditions.

From the National Weather Service:


In 1960…heavy snowfall of 6.1 inches at Stapleton Airport on the 22nd and 23rd marked the beginning of a protracted cold spell which lasted until the end of the month. The cloudy… Cold weather was accompanied by occasional light snow or flurries and fog. New record low temperatures for the dates were set on the 24th thru the 29th with the lowest temperature of 11 degrees below zero on the 28th. The seven consecutive days of low temperatures of zero or below had been exceeded in duration only 4 times previously. New low maximum temperatures for the dates were set on the 23rd… 24th…and the 26th thru the 29th with the lowest maximum temperature of 8 degrees recorded on the 26th.


In 1971…a wind gust to 100 mph was recorded in Boulder at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. The cold west winds gusted to 53 mph in downtown Boulder. No damage was reported. Northwest winds gusted to 31 mph on the 25th and to 38 mph on the 26th at Stapleton International Airport.

In 1984…a heavy snow storm left 1 to 2 feet of new snow in the foothills west of Denver. I-70 was closed…stranding skiers returning from the mountains. Most had to spend several hours in Idaho Springs. The snow spread over metro Denver with 9 inches at Littleton…Castle Rock…and Boulder and up to 5 inches in Aurora and Denver. Snowfall totaled only 3.6 inches at Stapleton International Airport where north winds gusted to 31 mph.


In 1884…heavy snowfall totaled 6.0 inches in downtown Denver.

In 1908…a duststorm occurred in the city during the afternoon. Northwest winds were sustained from 14 to 24 mph.

In 1918…pre-frontal Chinook winds from the southwest… Sustained to 43 mph with a maximum velocity to 52 mph… Warmed temperatures to a high of 62 degrees.

In 1954…strong Chinook winds gusting to 52 mph during the morning warmed the temperature in Denver to a balmy 65 degrees by early afternoon. A vigorous Canadian cold front during the late afternoon produced north winds at sustained speeds of 52 mph with gusts as high as 65 mph and billows of blowing dust…which reduced the visibility to as low as 1 mile at Stapleton Airport. Showers left half an inch of snow on the ground as the temperature dipped to a low of 27 degrees before midnight.

In 1989…a brief rain shower produced a microburst wind gust to 51 mph at Stapleton International Airport.

In 1997…snowfall totaled 4 to 6 inches in and near the foothills. Only 0.8 inch of snow fell at the site of the former Stapleton International Airport. Northeast winds gusted to 29 mph at Denver International Airport.


In 1893…heavy snowfall totaled 7.9 inches in downtown Denver. Most of the snow…6.7 inches…fell on the 27th. Northeast winds were sustained to 18 mph with gusts to 30 mph behind an apparent cold front.

In 1939…heavy snowfall of 8.1 inches was the heaviest of the month in downtown Denver. North winds sustained to 21 mph on the 26th and to 28 mph on the 27th caused much drifting. The greatest snow depth on the ground was 7.8 inches at noon on the 27th.

In 1987…a snowstorm dropped 4 to 8 inches of snow across metro Denver…causing flight delays at Stapleton International Airport where snowfall totaled 3.8 inches and north winds gusted to 24 mph. Both I-70 and I-25 were closed for a time to the east and south of Denver.

Continue reading February 26 to March 3 – This Week in Denver Weather History

February 19 to February 25 – This Week in Denver Weather History

February 19 to February 25 - This Week in Denver Weather History
February 19 to February 25 - This Week in Denver Weather History

Damaging winds are not uncommon along the Colorado Front Range, particularly this time of year when strong Bora and Chinook winds can rage. We see a number of such events in our look back at this week in Denver weather history. Also making an appearance are a number of notable snow and cold events.

From the National Weather Service:


In 2006…a cold spell resulted in 4 temperature records. Low temperatures of 10 degrees below zero on the 17th… 13 degrees below zero on the 18th…and 4 degrees below zero on the 19th were record minimums for those dates. The high temperature of only 7 degrees on the 18th was a record low maximum for the date. Light snow fell on the 17th…but totaled less than half an inch at Denver International Airport.


In 1954…a vigorous cold front produced north winds gusting to 56 mph and a trace of snowfall at Stapleton Airport on the 18th. Strong and gusty winds to 55 mph persisted through the next day and caused some blowing dust.

In 1955…a storm dumped heavy snow across metro Denver. At Stapleton Airport where north winds sustained to 28 mph produced some blowing snow…snowfall totaled 8.8 inches.


In 1913…post-frontal snowfall totaled 6.9 inches in downtown Denver over the 3 days. Most of the snow fell on the 19th. Northeast winds were sustained to 21 mph with a measured extreme velocity to 24 mph on the 18th.

In 1924…light snowfall totaled 4.6 inches over the 3 days. This was the only measurable snowfall of the month. High temperatures plunged from 45 degrees on the 18th to 17 degrees on the 20th. Low temperatures dipped from 31 degrees on the 18th to only 8 degrees on the 20th. Northeast winds were sustained to 24 mph on the 19th.

In 1953…a major blizzard dumped 10.6 inches of snowfall at Stapleton Airport. Strong north winds at sustained speeds of 25 to 35 mph with gusts as high as 44 mph frequently reduced visibilities to 1/4 mile in blowing snow during the day of the 19th. The strong winds caused much drifting snow…making accurate snowfall measurements almost impossible. Precipitation from the storm totaled 1.13 inches. The 1.01 inches of precipitation on the 19th was the greatest calendar day and 24 hour precipitation ever recorded in the city during the month of February.

In 1987…large amounts of new snow fell in the Front Range foothills. The foothills received 10 to 20 inches of new snow with 4 to 8 inches on the adjacent plains. On the 19th…flight delays occurred at Stapleton International Airport where snowfall totaled 4.2 inches and east winds gusted to only 18 mph on the 19th. Schools were closed in the foothills above Boulder.


In 1899…northwest winds sustained to 42 mph with gusts to 45 mph warmed the temperature to a high of 56 degrees… The highest reading of the month that year.

In 1980…high winds were reported in Boulder. Sustained speeds of 50 to 60 mph with gusts to 85 mph were measured. West winds gusted to 31 mph at Stapleton International Airport.

In 1986…Chinook winds continued to buffet the eastern foothills. Winds gusting from 60 to 75 mph were common in the foothills. West winds gusted to 41 mph at Stapleton International Airport.

In 1996…high winds gusting from 70 to 75 mph were reported atop Table Mesa near Boulder. West winds gusted to 44 mph at Denver International Airport.

In 2007…this was the last day of 61 consecutive days with snow cover of 1 inch or more in Denver. This second longest period of snow cover on record began with the blizzard on December 20-21…2006…when 20.7 inches of snow fell at the site of the former Stapleton International Airport where official snow measurements were taken. Additional snowfall during December…January…and February prolonged the event. Snow depth on the ground was measured to the nearest inch once daily at 6:00 am MST.


In 1937…post-frontal heavy snowfall totaled 8.4 inches over downtown Denver. Most of the snow…6.6 inches…fell on the 20th when north winds were sustained to 16 mph with gusts to 18 mph. The temperature dipped to a low of 9 degrees on the 20th.

In 1939…post-frontal snowfall totaled 5.4 inches in the city. The snow covered streets and highways with a coating of ice as the temperature fell from 36 degrees at 2:00 pm on the 19th to a low of 4 degrees at 3:00 am on the 20th. Many motorists were marooned for several hours. Northeast winds were sustained to 24 mph on the 19th.


In 1971…heavy snowfall totaled 9.0 inches at Stapleton International Airport where north winds gusted to only 16 mph. Most of the snow occurred on the 19th and 20th. The 24 hour snowfall of 8.2 inches was the greatest in February since 1953.


In 1937…6.6 inches of heavy snow fell in downtown Denver.

In 1976…a cold front produced north wind gusts to 49 mph at Stapleton International Airport where snowfall totaled 4.7 inches. North winds at sustained speeds of 20 to 30 mph with higher gusts persisted throughout the day…producing much blowing snow. East of the city…winds gusting 40 to 80 mph caused blizzard conditions and produced drifts 2 to 4 feet high.

In 1981…a vigorous cold front at midday produced strong northeast winds at 20 mph with gusts to 30 mph and billows of blowing dust reducing the visibility to 3 miles during the afternoon. Even stronger winds from the north at 25 mph with gusts to 45 mph in snow and blowing snow reduced the visibility to 1/4 mile during the evening. Snowfall totaled only 2.6 inches at Stapleton International Airport.

Continue reading February 19 to February 25 – This Week in Denver Weather History

February 12 to February 18 – This Week in Denver Weather History

February 12 to February 18 - This Week in Denver Weather History
February 12 to February 18 - This Week in Denver Weather History

Denver’s weather is often a story of extremes and even in what is historically a calm period like February, significant events can and do occur. From record-setting Arctic cold that sent temperatures to far below zero to powerful, damaging wind, this week in Denver weather history has been an eventful one.

From the National Weather Service:


In 1958…heavy snow fell across metro Denver. At Stapleton Airport…where northeast winds gusted to 22 mph…6.7 inches of snowfall were measured.

In 1995…cold arctic air brought heavy snow to the foothills and western Denver suburbs. Golden measured 15 inches of snow with 14 inches in south Boulder. Locations in the foothills recorded between 10 and 15 inches of snow. Only 6.1 inches of snow fell at Stapleton International Airport where north winds gusted to 30 mph on the 10th.


In 1905…an extremely cold arctic air mass moved over the city behind a cold front on the 10th and persisted through the morning of the 13th. North winds were sustained to 25 mph behind the front on the 10th dropping the temperature to a low of 2 degrees below zero…which was also the high reading on the 11th. Light snowfall totaled 3.0 inches overnight of the 10th into the 11th. The low temperature plunged to 19 degrees below zero on the 11th. Records were set on the 12th and 13th. The high temperature of only zero degrees on the 12th was a record low maximum for the date. The low readings of 21 degrees below zero on the 12th and 14 degrees below zero on the 13th were record minimum temperatures for those dates.


In 1899…the temperature plunged to lows of 20 degrees below zero on both days.

In 1900…northwest winds sustained to 52 mph with gusts to 60 mph warmed the temperature to a high of 58 degrees on the 11th. An apparent cold front overnight produced 3.7 inches of snow and northeast winds gusting to 30 mph. The high temperature on the 12th was only 26 degrees.

In 1994…moist upslope winds and an upper level storm system produced heavy snow over western portions of metro Denver. Snowfall amounts totaled 10 inches in Golden and 8 inches at Strontia Springs Reservoir 15 miles southwest of Denver in the South Platte canyon. Snowfall at Stapleton International Airport totaled only 3.6 inches…but north winds gusting to 35 mph on the 11th produced occasional visibilities as low as 1/4 mile in heavy snowfall and blowing snow.


In 1903…west to northwest Chinook winds gusting to 34 mph warmed the temperature to a high of 50 degrees on the 11th… Before temperatures rapidly plunged to a low of 14 degrees behind a cold front. Light snow fell through the 13th and totaled 4.2 inches in the city…while temperatures ranged from a high of 14 degrees on the 12th to a low of 5 degrees below zero on the 13th.


In 1874…5 inches of snow fell in downtown Denver. Melted snow resulted in 0.31 inch of precipitation.

In 1875…forest fires burned very brightly in the foothills to the west of Denver.
12-13 in 1915…heavy snowfall totaled 7.0 inches over downtown Denver. Northwest winds were sustained to 24 mph on the 13th.

In 1951…heavy snowfall totaled 8.1 inches at Stapleton Airport where northeast winds gusted to 28 mph on the 12th.

In 1968…snowfall totaled 5.6 inches at Stapleton International Airport where northeast winds gusted to 26 mph. Snow fell all day on the 12th and into the morning hours of the 13th.

In 1997…heavy snow fell in the foothills southwest of Denver. Conifer…Evergreen…Morrison…and north turkey creek received 6 to 8 inches of new snow overnight. Only 0.2 inch of snow fell at the site of the former Stapleton International Airport. North-northeast winds gusted to 23 mph at Denver International Airport on the 13th.

Continue reading February 12 to February 18 – This Week in Denver Weather History

February 5 to February 11 – This Week in Denver Weather History

February 5 to February 11 - This Week in Denver Weather History
February 5 to February 11 - This Week in Denver Weather History

February is generally a relatively calm weather month however just like any other month in Denver, it can and does see its extremes. In looking back at the Denver weather history calendar for the week, there are many entries for damaging wind, some heavy snowfall and extreme cold.

From the National Weather Service:


In 1985…a cold front on the 29th produced a protracted cold spell as arctic air remained entrenched across metro Denver. While the only daily temperature record set was a low maximum reading of 2 degrees on February 3rd…minimum temperatures plunged well below zero on 9 consecutive days. The coldest readings were 15 degrees below zero on January 31st and 14 degrees below zero on February 5th.


In 1963…warm weather that began with the strong Chinook winds on the 31st and 1st continued through the 8th. Maximum temperatures through the period ranged from 52 degrees on the 2nd to 76 degrees on the 5th…which was a new record high for that date.


In 1899…a protracted cold spell lasted almost two weeks. Low temperatures plunged below zero on all days but February 9th with a reading of 6 degrees. The coldest low temperature of 22 degrees below zero on February 6th was a record low for the date. Low temperatures of 20 degrees below zero occurred on both February 11th and 12th… But only the 11th remains as the record minimum for the date. High temperature of only 5 degrees below zero on February 11th was a record low maximum for the date. High temperatures climbed to only zero degrees on both February 2nd and 3rd…but were not records. Intermittent light snow or flurries fell during the period. The most snowfall…2.0 inches…occurred on February 2nd.


In 1985…the most bitter cold spell of the winter season brought sub-zero temperatures to metro Denver. Daily low temperature records were broken at Denver. The usual cold weather problems struck including stalled vehicles…jammed traffic lights…and frozen water and sewer lines. At Stapleton International Airport…the high temperature was only 2 degrees above zero on the 1st…setting a record low maximum for the date. Low temperatures reached 13 below zero on the 1st…12 below on the third…and 14 below on the 5th.


In 1989…one of the century’s worst doses of winter weather ravaged the entire state. Bitterly frigid weather moved into metro Denver on the 1st as snow buried many sections of the state. In metro Denver where 3 to 6 inches of snow fell…blowing snow and resultant poor visibilities caused a 46-car pile-up on I-25 in the middle of the city on the 4th. During the period…2 to 3 hour delays were common at Stapleton International Airport where snowfall from the storm totaled 4.3 inches and northeast winds gusted to 30 mph on the 1st. Intense cold accompanied the storm. Temperatures in Denver stayed below zero continuously for the best part of 3 days (3rd…4th…5th)…for a total of 69 hours. This is the fourth longest sub-zero period on record. Wind chill temperatures reached 50 degrees below zero. The mercury dipped to 24 degrees below zero on the 5th…setting a record for the date. This was the city’s coldest temperature in over 26 years. Low temperatures dipped below zero on 8 consecutive days (2nd-9th). High temperature of 9 degrees below zero on the 4th was a record low maximum for the date…as was the high of 5 degrees on the 5th. Extensive damage occurred when pipes and water lines froze and broke. Thousands of cars failed to start. On the 3rd…a 57-year-old woman died of hypothermia in an Arvada park. Eighteen high school students were treated for hypothermia after a 2-hour ride through Jefferson County in an unheated bus. At least 2 cases of frostbite were reported; there were undoubtedly many more.


In 1883…a protracted cold period occurred when low temperatures dipped below zero for 9 consecutive days. Low temperatures ranged from 22 degrees below zero on the 4th to 2 degrees below zero on the 1st and 6th. High temperatures ranged from 10 below zero on the 3rd to 23 on the 9th. Several temperature records were set that still stand today. Record lows of 18 below and 22 below zero occurred on the 3rd and 4th. Record low maximum readings of 2 below and 10 below zero occurred on the 2nd and 3rd. The high of only 10 below zero on the 3rd is the coldest maximum temperature ever recorded in Denver.


In 1982…a cold surge of arctic air brought light snow and sub-zero temperatures to metro Denver. Temperatures plunged to 6 below zero at midnight on the 3rd and never warmed above zero on the 4th as snow flurries continued. High temperature on the 4th of 1 below zero was a record low maximum. The temperature dipped to a record low of 15 below zero on the 5th.


In 1932…wind gusts estimated at 70 mph occurred in Boulder. A 60 mph wind gust was recorded to the east of Boulder in Valmont. Damage was minor.

In 1959…heavy snowfall totaled 5.8 inches at Stapleton Airport where northwest winds gusted to 30 mph on the 4th.

In 2001…high winds developed for a brief time overnight. Winds gusted to 75 mph atop the Gamow Tower on the University of Colorado campus in Boulder. Northwest winds gusting to 37 mph warmed the temperature to a high of 57 degrees at Denver International Airport.

Continue reading February 5 to February 11 – This Week in Denver Weather History

Interactive map of snowfall totals across northeastern Colorado, February 2-4, 2012

Thornton residents have begun digging out from the major winter storm that deposited an extraordinary amount of snow on the city.  In the end, the storm will go into the record books as the biggest February snowstorm in Denver history.

Here is Thornton we recorded 13.8″ of snowfall and that was actually one of the lower totals across northeastern Colorado. It was however our biggest snowstorm since October 2009.

As officially recorded at Denver International Airport, Denver recorded 15.9 inches of snow from the storm system.  This handily broke the old single storm February record of 14.1 inches set in 1912.

Further, February 2012 now enters the history books as the 10th snowiest February ever recorded in Denver. With more than three weeks to go, it is possible we will climb the top 10 list even further.

The 12.5″ DIA saw yesterday set a new single day record for February 3rd beating the old record for the date of 9.5″ set in 1932. This also is the biggest single day snowfall total ever recorded in Denver during February.

For more details on Denver’s records, check out this story on Examiner.com.

Examiner.com slideshow: Record-setting snowstorm buries Denver and northeastern Colorado

Below is an interactive map of the snowfall reports from across eastern Colorado.  You can also click here to view a larger version.

  • Stay up to date with Thornton’s weather: ‘Like’ us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and add us to your Google+ circles

View map on GeoCommons

Time lapse video of Thornton’s February 2012 snowstorm

The snow has moved out and the sun will be shining soon as residents begin digging out from a record-setting snowstorm.  Here is Thornton we recorded 13.8″ of snowfall and that was actually one of the lower totals across northeastern Colorado. It was however Thornton’s biggest snowstorm since October 2009 when we recorded 14.1″ from a late month event.

Snow began falling Thursday evening and continued through the night, all through the day Friday and into Saturday morning.  By this morning most of the metro area was only seeing a few flakes falling and by the end of the day the sun will return.

Below is a time lapse video from our east facing webcam.  It covers from 4:00pm on Thursday, February 2 to 6:00am on Saturday, February 4 compressing that period into a little more than one minute.

Also see the Examiner.com slideshow: Record-setting snowstorm buries Denver and northeastern Colorado

  • Stay up to date with Thornton’s weather: ‘Like’ us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and add us to your Google+ circles

January 29 to February 4 – This Week in Denver Weather History

January 29 to February 4 - This Week in Denver Weather History
January 29 to February 4 - This Week in Denver Weather History

You just never know what you are going to get with the weather in Denver and we see that in our look back at the Denver weather history books. From cold and snow to damaging winds and spring-like temperatures, we can and do see it all.

From the National Weather Service:


In 1888…a protracted warm spell lasted a week. Maximum temperatures ranged from 62 degrees on the 29th to an all time record high for the month of 76 degrees on the 27th. Daily record high temperatures of 76…69…and 71 occurred on the 27th…28th…and 30th respectively. Record high minimum temperatures of 47 and 34 occurred on the 26th and 27th.


In 1951…a major storm dumped 10.1 inches of snowfall at Stapleton Airport. Most of the snow…8.3 inches…fell on the 29th. Cold arctic air accompanied the snow. Several temperature records were set…including record low maximum temperatures of 4 on the 28th and 4 below zero on the 29th and record low temperatures of 12 below zero on the 29th and 24 below zero on the 31st. Temperatures were below zero for 45 consecutive hours.


In 1956…snowfall totaled 5.5 inches at Stapleton Airport where east winds gusted to 32 mph on the 28th.

In 1972…cold west winds buffeted Boulder. A wind gust to 92 mph was recorded at the National Bureau of Standards…while a gust to 76 mph was measured in downtown Boulder. Two mobile homes were overturned in Boulder. Other damage was minor. Northwest winds gusted to 40 mph at Stapleton International Airport on the 28th.

In 1987…strong winds buffeted the Front Range foothills and spread east over the plains. The highest wind recorded was 99 mph on the 29th at both the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder and the Rocky Flats plant south of Boulder. Wind gusts in excess of 80 mph were common. A northwest wind gust to 54 mph was recorded at Stapleton International Airport on the 28th with a gust to 41 mph on the 29th. Planes were damaged at both the Boulder and Jefferson County Airports. Hangars were also damaged at Jefferson County Airport. Many windows were broken…signs toppled…and trees downed. A brick wall was blown onto parked cars in Lakewood. A couple of houses in Lakewood were unroofed…while falling trees damaged others. Two people were injured by flying debris in Lakewood and Golden. Total insured damage along the Front Range was 10 million dollars making the wind storm the second most costly on record in Colorado at the time.

In 1995…deepening upslope winds along the eastern foothills on the 28th gave way to periods of heavy snow during the night and early morning hours of the 29th. Snow fell to a depth of 8 inches in both Golden and Boulder with up to a foot in the foothills. Only 1.9 inches of snow fell at Stapleton International Airport…where east winds gusted to 22 mph on the 28th.

In 2001…heavy snow fell across metro Denver. The heaviest snowfall occurred from just south of Denver to around Castle Rock. Snow amounts included: 12 inches east of Parker…9 inches near Elizabeth and in Littleton…8 inches near Castle Rock and in Parker…and 7 inches in Aurora. Snowfall totaled 6.0 inches at the site of the former Stapleton International Airport.


In 1887…winds were strong and gusty for three days in the city. West and northwest winds were sustained to 56 mph on both the 28th and 29th and to 44 mph on the 30th. Temperatures warmed to a high of 57 degrees on the 29th.


In 1900…northwest winds were sustained to 45 mph with an extreme velocity of 46 mph.

In 1914…this was the last day of 60 consecutive days with snow cover of one inch or more in Denver. This third longest period of snow cover on record began with the record breaking snow and blizzard on December 1-5… 1913 when a total of 45.7 inches of snow fell in downtown Denver. Additional snowfall during December and January prolonged the event. Snow depth on the ground to the nearest tenth of an inch was measured once daily at 6:00 pm MST.

In 1927…west winds were sustained at 40 mph with gusts to 42 mph.

In 1942…heavy snowfall totaled 6.2 inches in downtown Denver. North winds were sustained to 17 mph.

In 1965…strong winds occurred in Boulder for the third consecutive day. Only limited minor damage was reported. Northwest winds gusted to 40 mph at Stapleton International Airport.

In 1984…highs winds in and near the foothills produced wind gusts as high as 71 mph in Boulder. A plane was flipped over at Jefferson County Airport and damaged beyond repair. In Lakewood…two construction trailers were damaged by the gusts. North winds gusted to only 38 mph at Stapleton International Airport.

In 1990…gale to hurricane force winds gusts raked the foothills. Wind gusts of 50 to 90 mph were common in Boulder County. A peak wind of 94 mph was clocked at Table Mesa in southwest Boulder. Scattered power outages and minor property damage were reported. West winds gusted to 46 mph at Stapleton International Airport.

Continue reading January 29 to February 4 – This Week in Denver Weather History

Thornton’s February weather wrap – Cooler and drier than normal

Denver's February 2011 weather reviewFebruary 2011 in the Mile High City was a relatively uneventful one.  Temperatures were below normal and we received less snow and precipitation than what is typical for the month.

In terms of temperature, Denver officially recorded an average of 29.1 degrees during February as measured at Denver International Airport.  While this is 4.1 degrees below normal, it was not cold enough to make ‘top 10’ status.  Temperatures ranged from a high of 67 degrees on the 16th all the way down to a low of -17 on the 2nd.  Neither of these was a record.

Here in Thornton we were slightly warmer with an average temperature of 29.6 degrees.  We recorded a high of 69.3 degrees on the 16th and a low of -14.7 degrees on the 2nd.

One temperature record was set during the month and one tied.  A new record low maximum was set on the 1st when the high temperature only climbed to -1 degrees.  This broke the previous record of 2 degrees set in 1985.  On the 8th the low maximum temperature of 8 degrees tied the mark last set in 1933.

In terms of snowfall, the month saw us record 5.3 inches – 1 inch below normal for February.  This continued the trend for the snow season of below normal snowfalls and by the end of the month we were more than 20 inches below normal.  Nearly half of that snow, 2.6 inches, fell during one storm on the 7th and 8th of the month.  In all, only five days had snow and all of those were before the 9th of the month.

Precipitation was similarly below normal.  A total of 0.42 inch was recorded which was 0.07 inch below the normal 0f 0.49 inch.  Most of that was recorded during the same event that we received the biggest snow of the month mentioned above.  Precipitation was recorded on five days with two of those recording 0.10 inch or more.

Thornton matched the Denver snowfall total of 5.3 inches.  However we received much less precipitation from those snows and recorded only 0.29 inch of liquid moisture.

Below is the official Denver climate summary for February 2011.  Click here to view Thornton’s February climate report.

830 PM MST TUE MAR 1 2011



                 VALUE   DATE(S)  VALUE   FROM    VALUE  DATE(S)
 HIGH              77   02/28/2006
 LOW              -25   02/01/1951
HIGHEST            67   02/16        77     -10       52  02/27
LOWEST            -17   02/02       -25       8       -1  02/09
AVG. MAXIMUM     43.4              47.2    -3.8     39.7
AVG. MINIMUM     14.7              19.1    -4.4     18.5
MEAN             29.0              33.2    -4.2     29.1
DAYS MAX >= 90      0               0.0     0.0        0
DAYS MAX <= 32      7               4.3     2.7        8
DAYS MIN <= 32     25              26.0    -1.0       28
DAYS MIN <= 0       6               0.3     5.7        1
  MAXIMUM         2.01   1934                                          
  MINIMUM         0.01   1970  
TOTALS           0.42              0.49   -0.07     0.30               
DAILY AVG.       0.01              0.02   -0.01     0.01               
DAYS >= .01         5               5.9    -0.9        9
DAYS >= .10         2                MM      MM        0
DAYS >= .50         0                MM      MM        0
DAYS >= 1.00        0                MM      MM        0
 24 HR. TOTAL    0.19   02/07 TO 02/08     0.10  02/07/10 TO 02/08/10
 TOTAL           22.1  1912
TOTALS            5.3               6.3     -1.0      5.8
SINCE 7/1        18.1              39.6    -21.5     46.0

HEATING TOTAL     999               892     107      999
 SINCE 7/1       4151              4489    -338     4807
COOLING TOTAL       0                 0       0        0
 SINCE 1/1          0                 0       0        0              

 EARLIEST     09/08/1962
 LATEST       06/08/2007
EARLIEST                        10/07
LATEST                          05/05

AVERAGE WIND SPEED              10.6                     7.6
RESULTANT WIND SPEED/DIRECTION   3/206                   MM
HIGHEST WIND SPEED/DIRECTION    38/250  DATE  02/20    25/360 2/18
HIGHEST GUST SPEED/DIRECTION    46/010  DATE  02/07    35/210 2/01


NUMBER OF DAYS FAIR            6
NUMBER OF DAYS PC             19


THUNDERSTORM              0     MIXED PRECIP               0
HEAVY RAIN                0     RAIN                       0
LIGHT RAIN                0     FREEZING RAIN              0
LT FREEZING RAIN          0     HAIL                       0
HEAVY SNOW                1     SNOW                       4
LIGHT SNOW                5     SLEET                      0
FOG                      11     FOG W/VIS <= 1/4 MILE      5
HAZE                      5                                           


So how cold did it get in Thornton? Cold enough to freeze boiling water instantly

ThorntonWeather.com tested the theory that boiling water turns to ice crystals when thrown into sub-zero air.  It worked! Check out the video below. (ThorntonWeather.com)
ThorntonWeather.com tested the theory that boiling water turns to ice crystals when thrown into sub-zero air. It worked! Check out the video below. (ThorntonWeather.com)

To say it has been cold would be a major understatement.  Yesterday Denver’s “high” temperature only reached -2 degrees and this morning DIA dropped to -17 degrees, one degree shy of the record low temperature for the date.  We decided to have a little fun with the cold weather in our Thornton backyard yesterday. 

One fun experiment to do when the temperatures is so cold is to demonstrate how boiling hot water instantly freezes when thrown in the air.  We figured it would make a great story for our work on Examiner.com and thought we would share the results here.

Your intrepid local weather geek conducted the experiment at a time when the sun was partially shining but the temperature was a bone chilling 1.4 degrees below zero.  For what it is worth, with a 9 mph wind that was generating a wind chill of 14 degrees below! 

The experiment is conducted simply using a pot of boiling water.  When the water is taken outside in zero degree or colder weather and thrown into the air, the water instantly freezes in a cloud of ice crystals. 

It is interesting to note that if you do this with cold water, you simply end up dumping water everywhere – it doesn’t freeze!  That of course begs the question, how does boiling hot water freeze faster than cold water?

This phenomenon actually has a name – the Mpemba effect – named after Erasto Mpemba, a student in Tanzania in the 1960s who studied it.  While it is named after Mpemba, other luminaries including Aristotle spent time analyzing it.

Dr. Joe Larsen, a chemist at the Rockwell Science Center in Los Angeles, explains that the hot water breaks into tiny droplets when it is thrown because it is close to being steam.  The heat from the small droplets freezes virtually instantly resulting in the ice crystal cloud. 

This doesn’t happen with cold water because it is thicker and in a closer to solid state (or at least not as close to turning to evaporative gas as the boiling water is).  As such, it doesn’t break up as easily and falls to the ground in blobs. 

So, for those of you with kids at home because school is canceled, you can now put their time to good use by conducting a science experiment in the cold!