To listen to the United States’ primary agency responsible for monitoring the climate, one would think the end is near as global temperatures continue to rise at an alarming rate. However, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) own monitoring network specifically designed to monitor global warming contradicts these claims. Read the rest of this story on to find out why we should be skeptical when we hear claims of record-setting heat.
NOAA created the US Climate Reference Network (USCRN) to ensure the integrity of climate data yet it disregards results from the system. (NOAA)
Sweltering, unseasonably warm temperatures gripped much of the contiguous United States last month breaking many records. In the final analysis of the month, NOAA announced that July was the hottest month ever recorded in the U.S. How hot was it? Read the rest of this story on
Much of the Lower 48 states saw above average temperatures during July 2012. Click the image to view the story and slideshow. (NOAA)
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) released its climate summary for June 2012 showing the United States experienced an unusually warm month. Most notably the U.S. has recorded its warmest first half of the year on record and the warmest 12 month period on record. Climate change? Learn more about the warm weather across the nation on
Former Vice President Al Gore launched an attack against those that disagree with the manmade climate change theory saying their arguments were "Bulls--t!" (JD Lasica,
The passion of Al Gore for the manmade climate change theory is unquestionable. Since leaving public office he has become the self-appointed spokesman for the movement. At a forum in Aspen last week the former vice president launched into a profanity filled tirade against those who disagree with him.
The Climate Change Examiner reports that at an event held by the Aspen Institute, Gore called “Bulls–t” to arguments that seek to refute the anthropogenic global warming theory. Listen to the audio here.
“Gore said that just as the tobacco industry prevented health regulations, so too have corporate interests stopped the advancement of potentially job-killing rules such as Cap and Trade,” the Examiner writes.
More than that, Gore goes on to say:
The model they innovated in that effort was transported whole cloth into the climate debate. And some of the exact same people — by name, I can go down a list of their names — are involved in this. And so what do they do? They pay pseudo-scientists, to pretend to be scientists, to put out the message: “This climate thing, it’s nonsense. Man-made CO2 doesn’t trap heat. It may be volcanoes.” Bulls–t! “It may be sun spots.” Bulls–t! “It’s not getting warmer.” Bulls–t!
And there are about 10 other memes that are out there, and when you go and talk to any audience about climate, you hear them washing back at you. The same crap, over and over and over again … There is no longer a shared reality on an issue like climate even though the very existence of our civilization is threatened. People have no idea! And yet our ability to actually come to a shared reality that emphasizes the best evidence … It’s no longer acceptable in mixed company, meaning bipartisan company, to use the goddamn word “climate.”
Despite having been proven wrong in the past, at a symposium in Aspen this weekend Al Gore once again tried to tie recent severe weather to global warming.
Former Vice President Al Gore spoke at the “Forests at Risk: Climate Change and the Future of the American West” symposium in Aspen this weekend issuing a dire warning about global warming. Gore told the crowd, “It’s unprecedented and we really have to face up to it.”
The Nobel Laureate and author of the book and movie “An Inconvenient Truth” warned that the pine beetle infestation striking Colorado forests was caused by manmade climate change. “If you love the forest and you care about what’s happening to them, the No. 1 connection that’s happening to them is warmer temperatures,” Gore told the compliant crowd.
Utilizing a slideshow to demonstrate his point, Gore said, “The linkage these scientists have referred to over and over again with global warming is something some people resist but it’s a fact.”
Gore’s attempts to draw parallels between weather and climate change have gotten him into trouble in the past. He was forced to pull images from his popular presentation two years ago that showed an increase in natural disasters when it was found it could not be proven. NASA’s top climate scientist Dr. James Hansen has rebuked Gore saying he needed to be more “careful” in his claims.
The claims that Gore made at the symposium have been refuted in the past but he remains undeterred. Get more details on what the former VP said as well as counter arguments on the Denver Weather Examiner.
A YouTube video puts a humorous - but thought provoking - spin on the debate about manmade climate change. (YouTube / Battlefield315)
From the high-minded forums in the scientific community to the halls of Congress to main street America, manmade climate change is a hot topic (pun intended). Some scientists would have us believe the debate is over, Congress uses the theory to impress new taxes on citizens, and Americans are left wondering what to believe.
This week NOAA announced that 2010 tied as the warmest year on record and many immediately seized on it as proof of manmade climate change. Despite many arguments to the contrary, it becomes difficult to have a rational discussion about the merits of these claims as both sides can become quite set in their beliefs.
A new video, while humorous, portrays a hypothetical debate between a global warming alarmist and a denier and offers up some serious questions and doubts about the theory. From former Vice President Al Gore’s role as global warming cheerleader to the revelation about the behavior of “climate scientists” seen in the wake of the Climategate scandal the video presents them all.
Despite erroneous information continually being discovered in alarmists’ claims, many, like the alarmist in the movie, choose to turn a blind eye. While humorous, the video does highlight many of the valid questions that are asked by those who have their doubts about manmade climate change.
Skeptics of the anthropogenic global warming theory need to remember that while man may not be responsible for the overall warming seen in recent decades, as custodians of this planet we do shoulder some burden. Rational actions to keep the planet clean, move us toward energy independence and ensure we aren’t causing damage need to be considered.
NOAA temperature anomaly map showing warmer than average temperatures across much of the globe in 2010. View more images in the slideshow below. (NOAA)
Data released by NOAA puts 2010 into the history books as tying with 2005 as the warmest year globally since 1880. The newly released report is sure to fuel the ongoing climate change and global warming debate for the year to come.
The National Climatic Data Center’s information shows that the combined global land and ocean temperatures in 2010 were 1.12° F (0.62° C) above the 20th century average. This ties the year with 2005 as the warmest on record.
Land surface temperatures globally were the warmest on record as a temperature anomaly of 1.8° F (1.0° C) was recorded. The oceans fared better according to the NCDC with temperatures 0.88° F (0.49° C) above the 20th century average putting it in the books typing with as the third warmest on record.
The United States separately was warm as well although not in record-setting form. Warmer than average temperatures were recorded across much of the nation with the south being the exception. NOAA said that temperatures are increasing at a rate of 0.12° F per decade.
According to data released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the combined land and sea temperatures for last month were the warmest April temperatures on record. Individually, sea surface temperatures were the warmest for any April and surface temperatures were the third warmest.
Utilizing data from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), the agency reported that the combined temperature of 58.1°F (14.5°C) was 1.37°F (0.76°C) above the 20th century average of 56.7°F (13.7°C).
For the period from January to April, temperatures also were the warmest first quarter on record. NOAA said the combined temperature over the period was 56.0°F (13.3°C). That is 1.24°F (0.69°C) above the 20th century average.
In the United States, NOAA said that April featured above normal temperatures and below normal precipitation. Much of the eastern half of the nation experienced warmer than normal temperatures resulting in measurements 2.3°F above average and going down in the books as the 14th warmest April on record.
Are we approaching the end of times? On the first Earth Day in 1970 scientists, poiliticans and pundits gave mankind little hope for survival. That tactic continues today. (Discovery Channel)
Today we celebrate that most auspicious occasion – Earth Day. It is a day in which we can all ‘be green’, hold hands, sing Kumbaya and be one with Mother Earth.
With the ongoing debate about manmade climate change, it affords us an opportunity to evaluate what “experts” were saying 40 years ago and what they are saying now.
Many parallels between the two times can easily be drawn. Over the top rhetoric and predictions were apparently as common in 1970 as they are today.
The Climate Change Examiner has a great look back at some of the predictions made on the first Earth Day as well as some that are being made in current times. Here is a brief excerpt – be sure to follow the link below to view the whole story.
Forty years ago Earth Day was founded as a way to give greater visibility to environmental concerns across the globe. The event is celebrated annually and while the focus has now shifted to one primarily on manmade climate change, just like in 1970, today we continue to hear dire warnings of man’s impending doom.
From that very first Earth Day, laying out a reasoned case to spur the public into action was not deemed adequate. Instead, the use of predictions of the end of times were used as a scare tactic.
The founder of Earth Day, Senator Gaylord Nelson was not shy about using hyperbole to drive home his belief of the dangers presented. He famously proclaimed that, “Dr. S. Dillon Ripley, secretary of the Smithsonian Institute, believes that in 25 years, somewhere between 75 and 80 percent of all the species of living animals will be extinct.”
It would appear that something miraculous occurred since that first Earth Day and today as the Earth is teeming with life just as it was then.
Questionable claims of impending doom continue
In the intervening time we can clearly see that these were nothing more than weak attempts to steer public opinion toward what was the ‘consensus’ at the time by scaring people into action. The names of the scientists and public policy ‘experts’ making the claims have changed in the past forty years but the tactic remains.
Will the seers of today like Gore, Hansen and Lovelock be any more accurate in their predictions than Ehrlich, Nelson or Gunter was in their day?
Check back in 40 years – If humankind is still here.
Arctic sea ice grew to near average levels during the 2009 - 2010 season. (NASA) Watch the amazing animation video below.
A curious thing has happened over the 2009 – 2010 winter season – Arctic sea ice has rebounded to near normal levels. Long pointed to as a sign of the impact of global warming, the extent of sea ice had been shrinking in recent years.
According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), the maximum extent for Arctic sea ice was reached on March 31st. This is the latest date maximum extent has been reached since 1979 when satellites began measuring the Arctic Ice.
The center said that it was thought the sea ice was done growing around the beginning of March. However, late season winter storms over the Bering and Barents Seas allowed it to continue to enlarge. “By the end of March, total extent approached 1979 to 2000 average levels for this time of year,” the NSIDC said.
The NASA video below portrays the 2009 – 2010 sea ice season from start to finish. For all the latest climate and global warming news, be sure to visit the Climate Change Examiner.
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