Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s comment last week that those who suffered the effects of Hurricane Katrina had it easy as compared to the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy has sparked a quick and vicious response. Sen. David Vitter called the Democrat leader ‘an idiot’ Monday and Reid was forced to issue an apology. Read the rest of this story and see video of Reid’s comments on
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) rubs his eyes during the counting of the Electorial College votes. Reid's comments minimizing the victims of Hurricane Katrina have sparked outrage. (Getty Images)
Hurricane Sandy is fast approaching the U.S. East Coast and is on target for landfall in southern New Jersey this evening. The effects of the storm are already being felt across a large part of the Mid-Atlantic region.
The Weather Channel is of course providing 24 / 7 coverage of the historic storm on television and the network now has a live feed of its broadcast available that can be viewed below. You can also view WeatherNation TV here for news from an alternative source.
A storm of historical proportions is slowly closing in on the Mid-Atlantic and residents from the Carolinas to New York are finalizing their preparations for a strike from Hurricane Sandy. Those close to the storm and watchers from afar can find an abundance of resources on the Internet to prepare for and monitor the storm. Click here for a complete list of resources to monitor Hurricane Sandy.
Weather, natural disasters & climate news and information.