Tag Archives: Photos

Announcing the ThorntonWeather.com monthly photo slideshow

One example of an amazing image captured by a ThorntonWeather.com fan that will be featured in our monthly slideshows. (Marla Winter)
One example of an amazing image captured by a ThorntonWeather.com fan that will be featured in our monthly slideshows. (Marla Winter)

From stunning sunsets and impressive storms to cute snow-covered dogs and amazing wildlife, Coloradans witness amazing things every day.  Starting today ThorntonWeather.com begins a new feature showcasing the imagery captured by cameras and we want YOUR pictures to share with others.

Colorado’s weather is anything but boring and virtually every day we are greeted with wonders large and small.  Even in the quietest of weather conditions, the views of our landscape are stunningly varied from the vast plains to the east through the urban corridor of Denver and Thornton to the massive peaks towering over 14,000 feet high.

We all love our state and the wonders we see every day.  ThorntonWeather.com wants to share what you see with others.

Our monthly photo slideshow is going to feature images that we have taken but more importantly images that you have captured.  The photos can be of anything even remotely weather-related.

Landscapes, current conditions, wildlife, pets, kids.  Whimsical, newsy, artsy.  Taken at the zoo, some other area attraction, a local park, a national park or your backyard.  You name it, we want to see and share it!

Images can be taken in Thornton, Denver or anywhere across the extraordinary Centennial State.  We’ll even take some from out of state if we can tie it to Colorado somehow.

We’ll keep the criteria very open to interpretation with just about any image eligible to be shown in our slideshows.

What do you win for having your image in our slideshow?  We are just a ‘mom and pop’ outfit and make no money from our site so we really don’t have the means to provide prizes.  However you will have our undying gratitude and the satisfaction that your images are shared on the most popular website in Thornton.

To share you images with us and get them included in the slideshow just email them to us or share them with ThorntonWeather.com on any of the various social media outlets.  Links are provided below.

So come on, get those camera’s rolling!

Top Shots 2013: ThorntonWeather.com’s top photos of the year

The best photos of 2013 as seen through ThorntonWeather.com's lenses.
The best photos of 2013 as seen through ThorntonWeather.com’s lenses. View the slideshow below.

Colorado’s weather and scenery can certainly be dramatic and the past year has been no different.  Armed with our camera, we captured hundreds of images and shared them with our readers.

While we are entirely amateur photographers, sometimes Colorado makes it hard to take a bad picture.  Over the course of 2013 we took hundreds of photos, many of which were shared with you on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter.

Picking which of the images we liked the best was not easy.  The subject matter ranged from weather to wildlife to expansive landscapes and even heavenly bodies.

As we sorted through we couldn’t help but notice the lack of real weather drama in the photos we took.  While there were wildfires to our south and floods to the north, Thornton managed to escape the year relatively unscathed from Mother Nature’s wrath.

We also were unable to do any real storm chasing so severe weather imagery was lacking.  Hopefully that can be rectified in 2014.  😉

When all was said and done we came up with 25 images that we thought were our best photos of the year.  You can view them in the slideshow below.  Leave a comment here or on our social media pages and let us know what you think.

Remember too that we love seeing your photos so be sure to share them with us!

Gorgeous Colorado sunrise follows early morning crescent moon (Photos)

One of the benefits of being early risers like we are is that we oftentimes get to see what many others sleep through.  Those that had their eyes closed just before the sunrise and as it came up, missed quite a show.  Here are a few shots we took this morning.

[pe2-image src=”http://lh4.ggpht.com/-Li1oR3QnB5M/Ukh9XPB3CJI/AAAAAAAAAvU/sc3NElEWgcM/s144-c-o/twe1.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/108306177534978229224/09292013MoonAndSunrise#5929126747558054034″ caption=”A pre-dawn crescent moon started the morning’s show. (ThorntonWeather.com)” type=”image” alt=”twe1.jpg” pe2_single_image_size=”w580″ pe2_img_align=”none” ] [pe2-image src=”http://lh5.ggpht.com/-6addX2X_SQA/Ukh9XOH4_3I/AAAAAAAAAvM/FQIPjtF-0qI/s144-c-o/twe3.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/108306177534978229224/09292013MoonAndSunrise#5929126747314913138″ caption=”Old Glory and a gorgeous Colorado sunrise – it doesn’t get much better than that. (ThorntonWeather.com)” type=”image” alt=”twe3.jpg” pe2_single_image_size=”w580″ pe2_img_align=”none” ] [pe2-image src=”http://lh3.ggpht.com/-P0xuLDep-Lc/Ukh9XMaqy7I/AAAAAAAAAvQ/D3uQw9rSZmc/s144-c-o/twe2.jpg” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/108306177534978229224/09292013MoonAndSunrise#5929126746856803250″ caption=”The sky was bathed in orange and blue at the start of the day. (ThorntonWeather.com)” type=”image” alt=”twe2.jpg” pe2_single_video_size=”w400″ pe2_gal_align=”none” pe2_img_align=”none” ]