Is there someone on your shopping list that looks out at a blizzard with glee on his or her face? Someone who jumps and runs to the window at hearing thunder or seeing the flash of lightning? Maybe a person for whom the weather warning beep on the TV or radio is music to their ears? Well then this posting is for you. Here are some great gift ideas for the weather geek on your list. If you have any questions about any of these, leave a comment and we will answer them. Also be sure to check out our list of great places to shop for weather gifts.
Books – There are books about every type of weather condition out there. We recently wrote about some of our top picks for weather related books for grownups and adults. Click here for some specific ideas.
- Cost: $10.00 and up
- Where to buy: Amazon.com
Storm Chasing and Weather Clothing – Any proud weather geek will be happy to not only tell someone about their hobby but also to wear it! Shirts and clothing with tornadoes, hurricanes or even ones that proclaim the wearer as a “Weather Geek” or “Weather Diva” are a big hit. Kids love the stuff too.
- Cost: $15+
- Where to buy: Weather Geek Stuff
Weather Radios – You don’t have to be a weather enthusiast to appreciate or need a weather radio – these are great gifts for anyone. These radios are relatively inexpensive and allow you to listen to and monitor the NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards (NWR) system. NWR broadcasts official Weather Service warnings, watches, and forecasts as well as other hazard information like earthquakes, avalanches, chemical spills, and even AMBER alerts. Be sure to get one with SAME coding so it automatically turns on when something is happening in your area.
- Cost: $40+
- Where to buy: Ambient Weather
Emergency Kits – Most folks interested in severe weather are also quite likely a bit survivalist by nature. They know the dangers that the weather presents and want to be prepared for it. An emergency kit for the house or car are not only practical but potentially life saving.
- Cost: $50+
- Where to buy: The Weather Channel store has some good ones or make up your own from a checklist from Ready.gov (http://www.ready.gov/america/getakit/).
GPS Systems – Handheld GPS systems like those from Garmin and Magellan are a must have for any storm chaser. Models can be had for less than $100 for a basic unit to $600 for ones with 3D mapping capability. Spend the extra money to get one with at least basic, non-3D mapping capability.
- Cost: $100 and up. Look to spend between $200 and $300 to get a good one with mapping.
- Where to buy: NewEgg or GPS City
Binoculars – Low tech but effective. You don’t want to get too close to the action and binoculars are a great way to see things from a distance. You’ll want to look for ones that allow plenty of light in but also aren’t so big the user can’t make a run for it if needed.
- Cost: $100+
- Where to buy: Cabela’s
Personal Weather Stations (PWS) – Amateur meteorology is a surprisingly popular hobby as you will learn if you take a look. A basic $50 station will provide outdoor temperature and humidity. Stepping up a notch to one for around $200 will get you all that plus wind and the ability to hook it up to a computer to archive statistics and create your own weather website like ThorntonWeather.com. $450+ gets a Davis Instruments weather station which is considered about the best an amateur can buy.
- Cost: $50 – $800
- Where to buy: Ambient Weather
Digital Cameras and Camcorders – Pictures and video help to capture the weather conditions as they happen and make for lasting memories. With either of them, ones with powerful zoom lenses are a must in order to capture far away action (you don’t want to get too close to a tornado!). Don’t skimp on quality.
Storm Chasing Vacation – For a weather geek, what could be better than spending a week on the Great Plains hunting down hail storms, supercell thunderstorms and of course tornadoes! Storm chasing as a hobby is growing by leaps and bounds and there are many tour operators that seek to fulfill the dreams of those that want to see extreme weather. This is the ultimate gift! Are you listening to me, Santa?
- Cost: $2,500+
- Where to buy: Extreme Tornado Tours or Silver Lining Tours are two of the most reputable and known for getting their clients close to the action.
For more info: Do you have any questions about specific items your weather enthusiast might want or questions about any of the above ideas? Post a comment and we’ll do our best to answer!