I have always been a shutterbug ever since my parents gave me my first SLR one Christmas when I was in high school. It wasn’t until recent years however that I began to hone the craft and now I have launched Tony’s Takes Photography.
Certainly I have no illusion of becoming a professional photographer or having the skills of one. This is purely a hobby for me. However I think I do a pretty passable job and decided I would like to share my images. Up until now that has been confined to this website and on social media with friends and family.
Over at Tony’s Takes (www.tonystakes.com) I will be sharing the images I capture. These will usually be focused on the subjects which interest me most – extreme weather, landscapes and wildlife. Certainly some of these photos will make their way here as always but that will be the primary spot where I post them.
Don’t worry though. Weather is still a passion of mine andThorntonWeather.com will be staying around as always and remaining your one and only spot for truly local Thornton weather news and information!
You can find Tony’s Takes Photography at any of the links below and I would truly appreciate you spreading on the work: