Four firefighters from North Metro Fire Rescue will be joining nearly 2,000 others from across the nation in battling a monstrous wildfire in Arizona. In less than two weeks the Wallow Fire has exploded to cover more than 600 square miles and sent smoke as far as the Denver area.
The hometown heroes from North Metro will be taking along a reserve fire engine to help battle the blaze. Two firefighters and a watertender from Eagle River Fire will round out a Colorado contingent of personnel with additional deployments possible.
- Slideshow: Firefighters from across the nation join the battle against the Wallow Fire (Examiner.com)
The fire, believed to have been started by an unattended campfire, has burned 389,000 acres making it the second largest fire in Arizona history. It is burning largely in the Apache National Forest in the eastern part of the state and now threatens to cross into New Mexico.
More than 3,000 firefighters from across the nation, 197 engines, 61 watertenders and 16 helicopters and a number of aerial tankers were battling the blaze as of this morning. Personnel and equipment continue to pour into the area.
Below is the latest on the blaze from Inciweb. For more coverage of the fire, visit the Natural Disasters Examiner.
Wallow Fire Update
For Immediate Release: June 9, 2011 9:00 a.m.
Fire Information: 928-333-3412 (Daily from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.)
Website Info: www.inciweb.org Twitter: www.twitter.com/AS NF
Flickr (photos): www.flickr.com/apachesitgreavesnf
Date Started: 5/29/2011
Number of Personnel: Approximately 3,012
Location: south and west of Alpine, Arizona
Including 24 hotshot crews and 79 handcrews
Cause: Human – under investigation
Equipment: 18 dozers, 197 engines, 61 watertenders
Size: 348,235 acres based on last night’s infared flight
Aircraft: 16 helicopters
Percent Contained: 0%
Injuries to Date: 3 minor injuries
4,018 threatened; 1 damaged; 16 lost
Area Command Team 3 (Jim Loach, Area Commander) is now managing the Wallow Fire
Media should call 480-331-9554 to coordinate interviews.
There will be media briefings today at 10am and 9pm at the Rest Stop on Hwy 60, north of Springerville.
Current Evacuations
· Full evacuation of Eagar and Springerville. The evacuations were ordered by the Apache County Sheriff’s Office about 4:00 p.m. on June 8.
· Sunrise, Greer, Blue River, Alpine, Nutrioso, and the following subdivisions along highways 180/191: Escudilla Mountain Estates, Bonita, White Mtn. Acres, and the H-V Ranch. This area includes County Road (CR) 4000, CR 4001, and CR 4225.
· The evacuation center is located at Blue Ridge High School, 1200 W. White Mtn. Blvd., Pinetop-Lakeside.
Pre-Evacuation Alert
- A pre-evacuation alert has been issued by Apache County for Greens Peak, Hidden Meadow and the surrounding areas.
· A pre-evacuation alert has been issued by Catron County Sheriff’s Office for Luna, New Mexico.
- Residents in the communities affected by this fire are asked to remain prepared in the event an evacuation order is needed.
Residents with livestock or animals that need care should contact the Apache County Sheriff’s Office (928) 337-4321 or the Greenlee County Sheriff’s Office (928) 865-4149.
Road Closures
· The Arizona Department of Transportation reminds motorists traveling that the following closures on state highways remain in effect:
· Nearly 20 miles of U.S. 60 has been closed from Springerville to the New Mexico state line due
· to the Wallow Fire in eastern Arizona. This closure stretches from milepost 384 to 401.
· State Route 260 is closed in both directions east of the Hawley Lake turnoff (State Route 473 junction) and Eagar. SR 260 is closed between mileposts 372-398 near Eagar.
· State Route 373, a 4.5 mile-long highway that connects the town of Greer in eastern Arizona with SR 260 west of Eagar, is closed.
· U.S. 191 is closed between Alpine and north of Clifton (mileposts 176-253).
· State routes 261 and 273, the main access roads to Big Lake and Crescent Lake in the White Mountains, are closed. SR 261 is closed starting approximately seven miles south of SR 260 to Crescent Lake (mileposts 395-413) and SR 273 is closed between the SR 260 junction and to the SR 261 junction (mileposts 378-394).
· U.S. 180 is closed between the SR 260 junction near Eagar and the New Mexico state line (mileposts 403-433).
· For current road conditions , please visit http://www.azdot.gov/
Fire Update
Last night, fire crews concentrated their efforts prepping roads and dozer lines for burnout operations south of Route 851 and Circle Flat area that leads into New Mexico. Fire activity increased on the west side of the fire towards the communities of Greer and Eagar due to high wind and low humidity.
Crews are currently stationed at Big Lake to reduce travel times, ensuring firefighter safety. Structural protection is in place in Greer, South Fork, Eagar, Alpine, Nutrioso, and Escudillo Flats. Firefighters will be conducting burnout operations on the northern and eastern portions of the fire to p limit the fire’s spread. Firefighters continue to hold line, mop-up, and patrol other areas of the fire. Creeping, smoldering, and active backing fire with short upslope runs was observed yesterday on the southern portion of fire. Firefighters are constructing indirect line and conducting burnout operations. Today southwest winds of 8-15mph with gusts to 25 mph are expected.
Due to extreme fire conditions, the Apache National Forest is closed to all public entry. See website for closure order details. Please see the Forest website for more information:http://www.fs.fed.us/r3/asnf/.
Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests Fire Restrictions: A Temporary Emergency Closure Order
was issued effective June 3 at 12:00 p.m. (noon). For more information, please call the Arizona fire restrictions hotline 1-877-864-6985 or visit http://www.publiclands.org/firenews/AZ.php.
Public Information
For Wallow Fire Information, please visit http://www.inciweb.org/, www.twitter.com/AS NF, andwww.flickr.com/apachesitgreavesnf or call (928) 333-3412, (702) 308-3238, (702) 308-3357, or (702) 308-8227. Please let us know if you would like to receive updates via e-mail. Public information officers are also posting information in local communities and the evacuation center located at Blue Ridge High School in Pinetop-Lakeside.