Certainly for truly local, Thornton weather, ThorntonWeather.com is the place to go. However you sometimes want a bigger picture or details on the weather for a different location and for that, a newly revamped Weather Underground website is the place to go.
We here at ThorntonWeather.com are big fans of the Weather Underground. The site has always provided much greater depth and detail with more features than local media outlets and even more than the ‘big names’ like the Weather Channel.
Further, Weather Underground brings in the data from thousands of personal weather stations (PWS) like ThorntonWeather.com’s and uses those to provide local conditions to visitors – not airports miles away. In return, Weather Underground allows PWS owners to use their data freely, something which we do on ThorntonWeather.com and truly appreciate the reciprocity.
Where does ThorntonWeather.com use Weather Underground data?
We recently wrote about the newly redesigned Weather Underground site on Examiner.com and thought ThorntonWeather.com readers would like to learn more and add this resource to their bookmarks. Continue reading Weather Underground website revamp pushes it ahead of other weather sources