We closed out 2019 with a change from the cool, wet conditions of the previous two months. December saw the opposite conditions as average temperatures were above normal and snow a rarity.
Storm systems did move through Colorado and the Rocky Mountain region and while the high country saw plenty of snow, these storms evaded the Front Range for most of the month. Temperatures were never particularly warm but overall, the average temp was warmer than normal in Thornton.
On the 5th of the month, we saw a respectable bit of rain instead of snow. Finally, a light snowfall on the 14th was the first snow of the month. We then stayed dry until the 28th when we received our first – and only – appreciable snowfall of the month.
Thornton’s overall average temperature for the month came in at 31.9 degrees. This was a good bit warmer than Denver’s long term average for December of 30.0 degrees. Out at Denver International Airport where the Mile High City’s official records are kept, it was warmer with an average of 33.7 degrees.
Temperatures in Thornton ranged from a high of 64.6 degrees on the 22nd down to a low of 7.2 degrees on the morning of the 30th. Denver recorded a maximum of 67 degrees and its minimum of 3 degrees on the same dates.
In terms of precipitation, Denver averages 0.35 inches during December. Thornton fell short of that with 0.28 inches while Denver had just a touch more with 0.30 inches.
A mere 2.8 inches of snow was recorded in Thornton during the month and Denver had an identical number. These were well short of the 8.7 inches December typically brings.
Click here to view Thornton’s December 2019 climate report.

CLIMATE REPORT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DENVER/BOULDER CO 851 AM MST WED JAN 1 2020 ................................... ...THE DENVER CO CLIMATE SUMMARY FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 2019... CLIMATE NORMAL PERIOD 1981 TO 2010 CLIMATE RECORD PERIOD 1872 TO 2019 WEATHER OBSERVED NORMAL DEPART LAST YEAR`S VALUE DATE(S) VALUE FROM VALUE DATE(S) NORMAL ................................................................ TEMPERATURE (F) RECORD HIGH 79 12/05/1939 LOW -25 12/22/1990 12/24/1876 HIGHEST 67 12/22 62 5 63 12/21 LOWEST 3 12/30 -4 7 0 12/31 12/29 AVG. MAXIMUM 45.3 42.8 2.5 46.1 AVG. MINIMUM 22.1 17.1 5.0 18.8 MEAN 33.7 30.0 3.7 32.5 DAYS MAX >= 90 0 0.0 0.0 0 DAYS MAX <= 32 6 5.8 0.2 4 DAYS MIN <= 32 27 29.4 -2.4 31 DAYS MIN <= 0 0 2.0 -2.0 1 PRECIPITATION (INCHES) RECORD MAXIMUM 5.21 1913 MINIMUM 0.00 1881 TOTALS 0.30 0.35 -0.05 0.03 DAILY AVG. 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 DAYS >= .01 2 4.1 -2.1 1 DAYS >= .10 2 1.1 0.9 0 DAYS >= .50 0 0.1 -0.1 0 DAYS >= 1.00 0 0.0 0.0 0 GREATEST 24 HR. TOTAL 0.18 12/28 TO 12/28 12/31 TO 12/31 SNOWFALL (INCHES) RECORDS TOTAL 2.8 8.7 RECORD DECEMBER 57.4 1913 DEGREE_DAYS HEATING TOTAL 964 1086 -122 999 SINCE 7/1 2499 2468 31 2372 COOLING TOTAL 0 0 0 0 SINCE 1/1 916 769 147 1026 FREEZE DATES RECORD EARLIEST 09/08/1962 LATEST 06/08/2007 EARLIEST 10/07 LATEST 05/05 ................................................................. WIND (MPH) AVERAGE WIND SPEED 9.1 RESULTANT WIND SPEED/DIRECTION 4/217 HIGHEST WIND SPEED/DIRECTION 33/350 DATE 12/28 HIGHEST GUST SPEED/DIRECTION 43/270 DATE 12/11 SKY COVER POSSIBLE SUNSHINE (PERCENT) MM AVERAGE SKY COVER 0.50 NUMBER OF DAYS FAIR 7 NUMBER OF DAYS PC 19 NUMBER OF DAYS CLOUDY 5 AVERAGE RH (PERCENT) 56 - INDICATES NEGATIVE NUMBERS. R INDICATES RECORD WAS SET OR TIED. MM INDICATES DATA IS MISSING. T INDICATES TRACE AMOUNT.