After a couple of months of cool, damp weather, we were hoping to warm up and dry out. We did get warmer (perhaps more than we would have liked) but we also continued to see a good bit of precipitation.
The first nine days of the month trended largely toward cooler-than-normal temperatures but overall, it was relatively pleasant with only a couple of hot days. We did also see some good moisture although much fell on a single day (1.25 inches on the 4th).
The middle of the month saw things turn hotter and we recorded back-to-back 100-degree days on the 17th and 18th. Rain became less prevalent and was light.
For the final third of the month, we continued to be quite warm with only three of the final 11 days seeing temperatures at or below normal. Otherwise, the readings were a good bit above. Three days of the final 11 also delivered more than a quarter inch of rain each.
Thornton’s overall average temperature for July 2023 came in at 74.1 degrees. That is a bit above the running 17-year average for July of 73.7 degrees. Our warmest reading of 100.5 degrees came on the 25th while our coolest of 50.2 degrees came on the 1st.
In the Mile High City, at Denver International Airport where Denver’s official readings are now taken, the month was a bit cooler. They had an overall average for July of 73.9 degrees. Two 98-degree days were their warmest and their coolest was 52 degrees on the 21st.
In terms of precipitation, Thornton had quite a wet one with 3.07 inches falling in our rain bucket. That was well above the 1.96 inches 17-year average and made July 2023 the fourth wettest July of the past 17 years.
For Denver, DIA recorded 2.10 inches, right on par with the Mile High City’s July average of 2.14 inches and far below what Thornton received.
Click here to view Thornton’s complete July 2023 climate summary report.