Thornton’s month of November saw us get a real taste of what is to come for the next few months. Temperatures cooled considerably and we saw a decent bit of snow although not as much as normal.
The first five days of the month started out relatively mild but then we saw a series of systems interrupt the calm. Temperatures turned colder and on the 11th and 12th we received a nice little snowfall. We briefly warmed up then saw some light rain on the 18th and 19th and then once again warmed back up. The month closed out with a chilly day and some light snow.
Thornton saw an overall average temperature for the month of 36.8 degrees. This was a good bit colder than Denver’s long term average for the month of 38.3 degrees. Out at DIA where Denver’s official measurements are taken, it was a good bit warmer with an average of 37.8 degrees.
Temperatures for us ranged from a high of 64.7 degrees on the 2nd of the month down to a cold low of 15.7 degrees on the morning of the 26th. Denver’s high of 65 degrees on the 2nd matched ours but their coldest reading of 10 on the 12th was notably colder than our lowest reading.
November’s long term precipitation average in Denver is 0.61 inches. Thornton managed about half that in our bucket with 0.31 inches with Denver close to us at 0.35 inches.
Snowfall was respectable but not notable. Thornton recorded 6.3 inches of the white stuff while Denver, as usual, lagged with 4.5 inches. Both measurements were below Denver’s long term November average of 8.7 inches.
Click here to view Thornton’s November 2018 climate report.

CLIMATE REPORT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE DENVER/BOULDER CO 929 AM MST MON DEC 3 2018 ................................... ...THE DENVER CO CLIMATE SUMMARY FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER 2018... CLIMATE NORMAL PERIOD 1981 TO 2010 CLIMATE RECORD PERIOD 1872 TO 2018 WEATHER OBSERVED NORMAL DEPART LAST YEAR`S VALUE DATE(S) VALUE FROM VALUE DATE(S) NORMAL ................................................................ TEMPERATURE (F) RECORD HIGH 81 11/27/2017 LOW -18 11/29/1877 HIGHEST 65 11/02 73 -8 81 11/27 LOWEST 10 11/12 -6 16 22 11/15 11/12 AVG. MAXIMUM 50.6 52.1 -1.5 61.1 AVG. MINIMUM 25.0 24.5 0.5 29.4 MEAN 37.8 38.3 -0.5 45.3 DAYS MAX >= 90 0 0.0 0.0 0 DAYS MAX <= 32 2 2.3 -0.3 0 DAYS MIN <= 32 27 23.4 3.6 22 DAYS MIN <= 0 0 0.6 -0.6 0 PRECIPITATION (INCHES) RECORD MAXIMUM 3.21 1946 MINIMUM T 1899 1901 1949 TOTALS 0.35 0.61 -0.26 0.29 DAILY AVG. 0.01 0.02 -0.01 0.01 DAYS >= .01 6 4.7 1.3 3 DAYS >= .10 1 1.6 -0.6 1 DAYS >= .50 0 0.0 0.0 0 DAYS >= 1.00 0 0.0 0.0 0 GREATEST 24 HR. TOTAL 0.17 11/11 TO 11/11 11/17 TO 11/17 SNOWFALL (INCHES) RECORDS TOTAL 4.5 8.7 RECORD NOVEMBER 42.5 1946 DEGREE_DAYS HEATING TOTAL 808 801 7 586 SINCE 7/1 1373 1382 -9 1171 COOLING TOTAL 0 0 0 0 SINCE 1/1 1026 769 257 881 FREEZE DATES RECORD EARLIEST 09/08/1962 LATEST 06/08/2007 EARLIEST 10/07 LATEST 05/05 ................................................................. WIND (MPH) AVERAGE WIND SPEED 9.8 RESULTANT WIND SPEED/DIRECTION 2/225 HIGHEST WIND SPEED/DIRECTION 48/330 DATE 11/24 HIGHEST GUST SPEED/DIRECTION 62/320 DATE 11/24 SKY COVER POSSIBLE SUNSHINE (PERCENT) MM AVERAGE SKY COVER 0.50 NUMBER OF DAYS FAIR 8 NUMBER OF DAYS PC 16 NUMBER OF DAYS CLOUDY 6 AVERAGE RH (PERCENT) 56 WEATHER CONDITIONS. NUMBER OF DAYS WITH THUNDERSTORMS 0 MIXED PRECIP 0 HEAVY RAIN 0 RAIN 0 LIGHT RAIN 2 FREEZING RAIN 0 LIGHT FREEZING RAIN 1 HAIL 0 HEAVY SNOW 0 SNOW 3 LIGHT SNOW 9 SLEET 0 FOG 8 DENSE FOG 2 HAZE 2 - INDICATES NEGATIVE NUMBERS. R INDICATES RECORD WAS SET OR TIED. MM INDICATES DATA IS MISSING. T INDICATES TRACE AMOUNT.