During Sunday night’s 10:00pm newscast CBS4 meteorologist Dave Aguilera talked about one particularly notable historical weather-related event: massive swarms of grasshoppers over the Mile High City this week in Denver weather history. The graphic Aguilera displayed during the broadcast had details on the event with a credit to ThorntonWeather.com as the event was one of many in the This Week in Denver Weather History series that we post every week.
This isn’t the first time ThorntonWeather.com has been in the news. As the most popular local personal weather station website in the Denver metro area, we have also been featured in the Denver Post’s YourHub, the Northglenn-Thornton Sentinel and Thornton’s community access station.
It was pretty neat to see us get credit and we thank Dave for the credit – it is much appreciated. Dave, if you ever want to do a story on personal weather station websites and owners, let us know! 😉
As I have said before, I love your site and am so glad to have been shown the site! You did great coverage of the wildfires. I personally loved the links to Pike’s Peak where we could see up to the minute details of the fire in CSprings. Thanks for all you do! I love this site!
Becky Hagen
Thanks, Becky! It is a lot of work but it is a labor of love. 😉