- Temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit.
- Precipitation and Snowfall amounts in inches.
- Average July Temperature is 75.1 degrees (from 1991-2020 DIA data).
- Average July Precipitation is 2.14 inches (from 1991-2020 DIA data).
- Average July Snowfall is 0.0 inches (from 1882-2020 Historical Record).
- Average July Snowfall is 0.0 inches (from 1991-2020 Stapleton data).
- Official Snowfall Observations, for DIA, didn't start until the 2007-2008 snow season, so no
30 Year Average is available. Also it has never snowed in Denver for the month of July since
records have been kept.
# Warmest Month in Denver History.
- Data collected at the Downtown City Office from 1872-December 1949, then
at the Stapleton Airport Office from January 1950-February 1995, then at
Denver International Airport from March 1995-Present.
UPDATED: 1/9/2022